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He’s a snide liberal shithead and always has been. Back in 2018 or so when /r/breadtube was new, I remember the lost libs and socdem types there showering his name in praise because they believed he “moved people left” or some other delusional nonsense (to them it was ‘moving left’ just with Ronald Reagan as the starting point I think). They thought he was some kind of leftist because he shot down a few actual right-wingers in debates, a very low bar to clear for even a liberal centrist.

Then I watched his debates with Luna Oi and a separate one with some left-aligned guy whose name I forgot and he showed his whole pro-capitalist ass. The chat stream from his followers was no better. Probably half of them were regulars on /pol/ and had browser tabs open to that shithole, judging by the endless racist and edgelord remarks I was able to read as they flew by.

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on, and his followers too.


Poster child of a smug 20-something shithead white r*dditor, right here.


I grew up with two kids (among others) who had similar material circumstances. Each lived and raised in a full-size, four-bedroom house in excellent repair, both parents earned well above poverty level incomes. One car per parent replaced with a new one about every 5 years, and a hand-me-down given to each of the kids when they got their driving licenses.

They had privacy, peace and quiet, never wanted for food, enjoyed weekly dining out with the entire family, had regular gatherings with more distant family (who also enjoyed similar material conditions), multiple yearly vacations, virtually anything else that related to comfort and ease of mind. Both of these kids grew up into borderline sociopaths with self-admitted libertarian ideologies.


If you’re looking for a job and they ask for an address, I find it hard to believe that shelters are set up to work as a “home address” so how the fuck you’d be able to apply for a job if you can’t find a way to piggy back on somebody’s PO Box and their home address for applications.

I’ve been there personally. I was advised by two separate people involved in state vocational programs and the shelter staff themselves to not use the shelter’s street address on job applications, if it’s avoidable.

Considering the potential “one shot” you get at most of these fucking employers/companies with the unaccountable Gestapo bullshit their human resources departments are known for, and not knowing whether they retain applications for future reference if someone applies multiple times, I decided to spend some of my dwindling money on a PO box. And even then I was questioned at two different interviews about it, not too invasively but enough to further fray my nerves in an already precarious situation I was desperate to get out of.

I couldn’t even get a fucking library card when using a shelter’s street address without being questioned about it.


By my own experience I would say it’s necessary and should be legally mandated as long as this fucked up Calvinist society and the majority of private businesses which gatekeep the ability to pay for housing maintain their bigoted stigma against destitute people.


As far as I’m aware:

A landleech has no way of seeing your wage after you give the initial application with proof of income. I’ve lived in many places and signed multiple lease renewals all while changing or losing jobs many times. The only thing that mattered was that first application, none of the lease renewals required ongoing proof of income.

In the U.S. there’s a government tax/income database (presumably the IRS) reachable over the internet where all income and employers are logged and searchable. I believe state welfare agencies and related (such as subsidized housing) get full access to this treasure trove but I don’t know if private business and individuals can.

Generally, government jobs will have openly disclosed wage schedules given that they’re publicly funded. A government employee can’t really hide their income if someone wants to know it.

Knowing a non-government employee’s precise wage at any point in time or being aware of a raise would require direct communication with the employer, so if someone like a private landleech is privy to that kind of info, there’s probably some very illegal and/or unethical shit going on.


People are more convinced that inflation will keep falling, and their outlook on their personal finances has also improved.

The rate of inflation fell ever so slightly, my ‘outlook’ on personal finances is still “work my body and joints to dust until 5 years before biological death” but hey, I can maybe retire to a lavish life of discount bulk pet food and a cardboard box apartment paid for with 70% of my Social Security income like 2 days earlier than previous, now. Pop the fucking corks!

The job market remains strong

Strong for who? Strong for fucking who? Try getting literally any god damn job as a blue collar these days. Nightmare mode if you have psychological issues. Just fucking try and you will see how swell it is. That one blissful year or so of companies hiring any warm body off the street during and immediately after the COVID19 outbreak is over, the ‘getting a job’ process has been back to business as usual for over two years now.


I was just reading that story before I typed that, like yeah 50k more workers getting thrown like dirt to the wind, and that’s just the planned layoffs reported thus far, because a gagglefuck of capitalist shitheads on Wall Street and their oracles are throwing tantrums about interest rates or whatever and the quarterly projections may not support the usual infinite growth on the workers’ backs this year. In other words, it’s been about 5-8 years so the working class is due for another squeeze in the ol’ vice as per usual with capitalism.

I’ve been seeing what must be the effects of this crap in the job listings for my area. It’s the most discouraging I’ve seen since like 2009. College degree or not, there’s little to choose from and the competition for the scraps is undoubtedly high once again. What’s also fun is I really don’t want the job I have now but if I quit I am completely fucked and would be getting a much lower wage even if I did find something else.


Sanchez was previously a Marine Corp reservist who says he was kicked out after he was reported to have been demonstrating alongside the Rise Above Movement, an alt-right street-fighting group that took part in the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville

Deserved far worse than the dishonorable or general discharge he presumably got. Firing squad would’ve been appropriate but this gusano’s ideals are too aligned with Am*rican culture for that to ever happen.

“This will end up loaded with trolls and feds in no time,” one member wrote a week ago.

These amateurs need to learn this is the Information Age and the Feds are always watching, especially after their January 6th shitshow. It’s redundant to even bring it up. The trolls however are these motherfuckers, every single fucking one of them. It’s literally a requirement of their garbage right-wing ideology. Any “trolling” by leftists or counter-protestors in their insecure group chat is just human nature trying to restore balance.

The promised support had not materialized—not a single truck showed up, tires were reportedly slashed, participants got lost, and paranoia struck the group. In short, the convoy was a complete mess.

Lol. This warms my frigid heart. Reminds me of the Westboro Baptist Church bigots on their little hate parade missions getting repelled by locals too. I have larger movements into my toilet in a single sitting than anything these fuckers ever manage to accomplish in the real world.


This is nearly identical to my own story. For me, severe depression and autism basically determine what I’m able to tolerate. I’ve found that out over many painful years. The jobs that are typically easiest for me to get, for example bottom-tier factory/linework and customer service shit, I literally cannot bear mentally. I just can’t fucking do them. I borderline lose my sanity and cannot control my anger under those conditions, wondering how the fuck the majority ever allowed the abusive minority to herd so many working class into such inhumane conditions.

The rage I’ve accumulated through years of being forced into whatever coercive, low paying, dead-end jobs I was barely able to get hired for where the workers are treated as disposable trash to be used like slave mules could ignite a new fucking sun. Trying to simply exist and not be homeless (which I have been, more than once) under capitalism is a living nightmare.
