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What makes the switch genius level of engineering is the Switch System Software microkernel architecture. When the switch plays a game, it doesn’t have bloated tasks running in the background to render some ads in some shop app you probably won’t visit while playing, but only plays the game. This approach is totally mandatory to get anything to run on the switch’s ancient hardware, but it is also so beautiful and rare to see today from a technical point of view. Where Xbox and PlayStation are directly derived from a multi-purpose desktop PC, the switch is more closely related with consoles and handhelds of the past.

Therefore a lot of flashy UI elements pulling information from the Internet or animating with some “expensive” (in a performance sense) effects aren’t really feasible, since these would hog up system resources the switch doesn’t have to spare and isn’t even designed to be able to spare. I hope when Nintendo updates the switch they keep this philosophy alive and this would very probably lead to another clean UI.


My Joycons have survived BotW, AC:NH, Three Houses, Metroid Dread and Metroid Prime, which I all played religiously. But they finally started drifting during my early hours of TotK. I just bought the Gulikit ones, switched them in less than half an hour. Great experience, no complaints, just not drifting joy cons.


I‘m not here to shit on EVs. Tesla just makes some really bad calls. My ICE has a key hidden inside the fob I can use to unlock my car. This isn’t something EVs couldn’t do, just something Tesla doesn’t think about doing because they want to have all the margin and anything redundant means slightly higher BOM.


While I agree with this thing being a propaganda piece, Tesla is often making this laughably easy, with their total disregard for basic security, safety and redundancy. Some manufacturer needs to step up as “the face of EVs”, because Tesla is giving everyone in the industry a bad rep.


Additionally: While spez’s reasoning isn’t sound on the matter, it IS true, that user generated content is highly valuable to AI firms. With ChatGPT out the door, we shouldn’t expect anything to be written after a date a few years back to be written by a human. But this means these data sources aren’t “clear” from generating a feedback loop: If every conversation is potentially three chat bots in a trenchcoat the fourth chat bot learning from that could be of a reduced quality. Therefore every AI firm (of which Facebook is regrettably one) needs to think about how to farm user generated content. I don’t think Zuck wants to be in the cloud business of hosting instances, at least not primarily. On the one hand he is a reliable business partner for regimes all around the world and “moderating” federated instances is a way to keep this business, on the other hand this will help Facebook to gain access to user generated conversation, and more important: potentially block competitor’s access in the future.


I wouldn’t word it that strongly, but I totally get what you mean. While I love the core gameplay loop and world much, much more than botw (I was one of the very few heretics who were just lukewarm on botw, instead of seeing it as game of the millennium; while I really love totk and get why people are raving about it), I feel like Nintendo did just one virtual currency too many. Needing to collect and exchange like three or four different zonai stuff to upgrade the battery and buying building materials and fabricating premades. While still needing the shrines and korok seeds, to upgrade health and stamina, collectible currency like the poes and obviously rubies, feel like a very imbalanced in game economy, which in turn makes the grind so bad, it’s unbearable sometimes. Even though each currency in and of itself is fairly easy to grind in my opinion, just not everything at once. At the same time totk gives the illusion of a fairly creative game, where grinding isn’t even warranted. Just let me build stuff!


The nexus poster on Twitter are often technically inept (journos, real life famous people, etc.). Therefore I understand the migration to Mastodon and such going slowly. But I have high hopes for the likes of federated Reddit-alternatives, since Reddit’s audience is a much more technical crowd. The only fear I have is the FOSS community’s infamous infighting over non-issues. As long as things like Lemmy or kbin are federating, this is probably a non-issue, but as soon as two or more of the major players get hung up on something irrelevant and cannot reconcile, the party is over as soon as it began.


Mlem is Great! But what really surprised me is wefwef, hands down the best PWA I’ve ever seen


We have known UbiSoft to be out of ideas and options. This seems like they are grabbing for straws. Yes, people liked Black Flag more than AC3 and more than Rogue, Unity, and Syndicate. But I don’t think the gameplay (especially the dull cities and the even worse reality levels) holds up really well today. They shouldn’t have crashed Skull and Bones as hard as they did and developed a full fledged Black Flag 2 without the AC ballast and more pirate stuff.


tl;dr: the “””unexpected””” adoption barrier are publicly available charge stations.
