I think this worked out pretty well for a few people last week, let’s keep it going!
Same format, comment 3 to 5 cards you’re looking for, people will reply with what they have and what they would like in exchange.
Let’s finish some sets, people!
Still looking for GA 1-star Gloom, Meowth, and Nidoking.
Would also like any of the STS 3-diamonds Torterra, Magmortar, Cresselia, Rhyperior, or Porygon-Z.
I have a torterra, magmortar, and porygon Z. Do you have any of the below?
Triumphant Light
- Carnivine
- Heatran
- Rotom
- Crobat
- Origin Forme Dialga
- Giratina
- leafeon
- Shaymin
- Heatran
- Bastiodon
- Rampardos
- Luxray
- Glaceon
- Empoleon
Triumphant Light cards aren’t tradeable yet, but I have spares of Leafeon, Shaymin, Heatran, Rampardos, and Glaceon. We can do three trades if you’re happy to use that many trade tokens. Just let me know which ones you’d prefer or I’ll pick randomly.
I have a spare Meowth. 1-stars I need
Space-Time Smackdown
- #161 Gastrodon
- #162 Manaphy
- #164 Rotom
- #165 Drifloon
- #168 Cresselia
- #169 Rhyperior
- #170 Lucario
- #174 Heatran
- #176 Staraptor
I also have a Ryperior 3-diamond I could spare. My list for that rarity is already in a reply to this post.
Edit: Trades completed, list updated.
I have a spare Lapras. I think the Snorlax would finish GA for me too! You can send whenever if you’re happy with that trade.
I’m happy to do Meowth for Electrode?
Edit: And then 3-diamond Rhyperior for whatever you want from Lapras/Nidoking/Electrivire?
Looking for:
- Kabutops
- Vaporeon
- Weezing
I have a spare GA Vaporeon if that’s the one you need and @ladel@feddit.uk doesn’t have one for you, and both the other pokemon.
I’m looking for-
Genetic Apex
- #171 Nidoking
Space-Time Smackdown
- #12 Torterra
- #57 Electivire
- #114 Bastiodon
Edit: Trade completed, list updated.
I have a spare MI Vaporeon for @Idreamofcheesy@lemmy.world if it’s the other.
I actually have spare Lapras, Nidoking, and Electrivire if you have any of the STS cards I’m looking for.