I find it odd that when filling out a form that asked me what my religion is one of the choices is Atheist.
What now? That is the that opposite of religion.
Nice irrelevant question, I’ll answer it just to show that I know what I’m talking about because I’m actually part of the group being discussed, not some outsider pinning definitions on things incorrectly:
If there is/are they have 0 impact on the world as we interact with it by my own observations so I live as a gnostic atheist, though if any actual proof were ever to show itself I wouldn’t exactly be shocked to find there was something beyond our comprehension out there
So you’re uncertain- This sounds more like what I would refer to as agnosticism
You would only be partially correct, as previously explained
I do not actively believe there is a higher power, so I am atheistic
I am open to the potential, so a fairly accurate simple description would be “agnostic atheist”, or “someone who doesn’t know whether or not there’s a higher power and lives assuming there is not”
You’ll notice that despite atheist being in there I’ve not only not made the positive claim that there’s no god, I’m even open to the idea of something of that nature existing, because that’s not what atheism is about