Things didn’t end well for the last guy…
Okay, I don’t agree with the emotional concept that a fetus is a person innately, but I can at least understand where that type of thinking comes from. Claiming it’s a fully-developed human is just demonstrably wrong. You’re entitled to your opinion, but feelings aren’t facts. I sincerely hope this is a sad attempt at trolling.
A fetus is objectively not fully formed. What do you think its doing in the womb for all those months, just hanging out? When abortions happen its just a bundle of cells that cant think, breathe, or live on its own.
Then how come they can’t survive without leeching off a host? 80% of pregnancies spontaneously end in miscarriage. That doesn’t sound viable or fully developed to me. If it could survive outside the womb, you’d have a point. But it can’t, so you don’t.
You know who was actually fully-developed? All the women who have died due to pregnancy complications thanks to draconic laws that take away their rights over their own bodies. I’ll hold you responsible for murdering them.
If you don’t want to have an abortion, no one’s ever been forcing you.
Why you think it’s appropriate to force others is weird.
Nah, you don’t really believe that.
You already know that in an abortion, no one is typically killing the fetus (which btw is less of a human than a chicken egg is human), they’re just removing it from the body it’s parasiting off of. Not the mother’s fault it can’t survive, and I’m pretty sure you’re for curing cancer or tape worm which also contain more human dna than a fetus does.
Besides, in many cases the fetus is already dead or terminal anyway.
And even if this was codified under law as murder, it wouldn’t be the mother doing it, but a licensed professional, much like police, soldiers or wardens.
Thats’s a lot of mental gymnastics to insert yourself into someone’s health care and sex life. That’s kind of weird…
I assume you’ve adopted multiple unwanted children in the foster system including severely disabled ones, right?
Since you think that “unborn children” shouldn’t be “killed,” you’ve got to be a major part of the solution.
Tell me about your severely disabled kids you adopted from the foster system.
There are no orphanages in the U.S.
Also, please name the 100% effective contraceptive.
Oh fuck right off with that bullshit. Abortions are a medical procedure. Women have died because they can’t get them. Or should we just let fetuses that die in utero rot inside the womb and kill the poor woman who lost her baby through no fault of her own?
That’s just one example off the top of my head.
Nobody wants to or is killing children. That’s some hyperbolic bullshit.