Also to add, there is an unfortunate number of Liberals who are quickly walking back any support for trans folk.
Not only do these people fail as allies and as compassionate human beings, but they’re also very stupid if they don’t see that defending trans rights is the front line of the fight against fascism right now, and we all need to be there fighting it. They’re not going to stop at taking rights away from trans people. It’ll be you next.
They can’t see that attacks on trans rights are also attacks on cis rights. I think that’s part of the reason why Rep. Zoey Zephyr and Rep. SJ Howell were so effective at stopping a couple pieces of anti-trans legislation in Montana yesterday. They talked about the fact that the legislation would potentially effect cis people as well as the fact that it’d take “parental rights” away from parents. They also did it in a way that created a narrative which both cis and trans people can identify with, creating a common ground to further convince people that the legislation was wrong. And it was successful. They got a number of Republican lawmakers to switch sides, despite the fact that the GOP prides itself on being in lockstep. They even had a Republican lawmaker make a stand too, saying that the people introducing this legislation were basically just wasting everyone’s time.
People say, “trans rights are human rights” and they’re serious. We embody the extreme of gender non-conformity that cis people occasionally dabble in, and when you start taking away our rights, you start taking away cis rights too.
Can you give some links what these “pieces of anti-trans legislation” were going to do? Not familiar with that yet.
defending trans rights is the front line of the fight against fascism right now
Yeah, it’s this kind of delusion why people aren’t loyal to you.
Nobody wants your fucking loyalty. They want you to wake the fuck up and get it through your skull that we’re all in this shithole together, and you need to start lending a hand instead of stomping on other’s backs to get yours. Because one day, you might need the rest of us to come save you too.
Unfortunately it‘s not a struggle between left or right anymore but up and down instead. Especially in the US.
In what way are liberals walking back support for Trans? I’ve seen the comment from Gavin Newsom about athletics, but does that mean he has walked back all support? Or just in that one area?
Edit: I know my comments below got me banned from a number of communities for being “transphobic”, but I believe this is the exact problem with the trans activist movement.
You are actively pushing away allies because they don’t agree with you on certain issues. The net result will be (and already is) people getting elected to office that do not value ANY trans issue. If it is all or nothing, the trans movement will suffer.
This is a YouGov poll of people’s feelings on different trans issues. There are many that are very popular, but the issue of allowing trans athletes to play based on their gender is easily the most unpopular issue. How can you expect politicians to take up unpopular positions just because a small minority of voters care about it? They are just going to lose and give way to actual bigots.
Fact is, if the trans community thinks the issue of athletics is so important, they need to do a better job of promoting that issue. Banning allies from your communities because they don’t agree with your unpopular opinions is just bad for everybody.
Walking back support in one area is walking back support.
It ain’t that complex. As soon as concessions are made, the far right demands more because there must always be an enemy to crush completely for the in-group. Who will then pick a new enemy when it comes politically convenient.
So in your opinion it’s an all or nothing thing? Like, you can’t question one area without going full bigot?