Fuck Israel. Fuck AIPAC. Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. Fuck Schumer.
I support Palestine. I support Hamas. Arresting, detaining, and threatening to deport student protestors at Columbia makes me more supportive of Palestine and Hamas.
Hamas is the government of Gaza and a large portion of the armed resistance against “Israeli” occupiers. Calling them terrorists is using racist “Israeli” propaganda directed at all Palestinians and cynically leveraged by imperialist countries - like the kind you probably live in and whose politicians you probably provide support - to assist in the systemic violent oppression and displacement of Palestinians. In fact, your entire line could be lifted from bog standard “Israeli” propaganda takes, including the perpetrators of genocide.
Please educate yourself before sharing opinions.
Hamas is the government of Gaza
Sure. When’s the last time they’ve allowed elections to occur, though? Dictating that you’re the government isn’t something someone who cares about their people does.
Calling them terrorists is using racial “Israeli” propaganda directed at all Palestinians
Nope. You can clearly see I differentiated Hamas from Palestinians. Yes, the Israelis look at all Palestinians as Hamas, as do many people in the West, but I’m not Israeli nor do I care what they think - so what they think doesn’t matter. There’s no Israeli propaganda in my comment, that’s your assumption based on…?
If your entire argument boils down to “Well you’re saying the same stuff as Israel is so you’re just spreading propaganda” then maybe you don’t have thoughts of your own, it’s all just the opposite of what Israel says. Israel is a terrorist state but that doesn’t mean every single thing they say is wrong. Hamas are terrorists, plain and simple. They invoke fear through violence.
Please educate yourself before sharing opinions
Let me know of all the benefits Hamas has brought to the Palestinian people and educate me. Nothing you wrote was educational or convincing. Hamas are still terrorists who are holding their own people hostage.
Using indiscriminate armed violence against civilians for political goals or under political pretenses is about the most reasonable definition of terrorism I can come up with.
I agree that the Palestinians are fully legitimate in taking up arms to fight against the occupier but the Hamas have carried far too many terrorist attacks over a far too long period for us to have any doubts that they are indeed ‘terroristic’ as our friend put it.
While it is nice to keep it mind, the fact that they also do other things besides terrorism is not an argument.
Or should we also refrain from calling the Israeli state terrorist because it also does other stuff besides indiscriminately and arbitrarily targeting Palestinians?
Yes, Hamas are terrorists, according to the USA and its allies. Who do you support in Ukraine? Hopefully not Azov, who are integrated in the National Guard of Ukraine, as they’re considered terrorists by Russia.
Hopefully you don’t support HTS as well, as i’ve seen they’re currently being whitewashed.
But then you’ll say that’s Kremlin Propaganda (which i do agree it mostly is, they love to make a mountain out of a mole hill).
Terrorism is like any other act of violence in that when the targets are unambiguously evil people it’s actually a good thing
Sure, we can agree on that depending on your definition of evil people. To target civilians indiscriminately is not a good thing, though. It’s bad when the IDF does it and it’s bad when Hamas does it. Resistance is not killing random people because of where they live, that’s terrorism. Resistance is fighting your oppressors.
I very much doubt that Hamas hand picked their targets on Oct 7. I doubt that those who died, or were taken hostage, were all evil people hellbent on eradicating Palestinians. They died and were taken hostage simply because of where they were at the time.