I think this worked out pretty well for a few people last week, let’s keep it going!
Same format, comment 3 to 5 cards you’re looking for, people will reply with what they have and what they would like in exchange.
Let’s finish some sets, people!
I have a spare Meowth. 1-stars I need
Space-Time Smackdown
- #161 Gastrodon
- #162 Manaphy
- #164 Rotom
- #165 Drifloon
- #168 Cresselia
- #169 Rhyperior
- #170 Lucario
- #174 Heatran
- #176 Staraptor
I also have a Ryperior 3-diamond I could spare. My list for that rarity is already in a reply to this post.
Edit: Trades completed, list updated.
I’m happy to do Meowth for Electrode?
Edit: And then 3-diamond Rhyperior for whatever you want from Lapras/Nidoking/Electrivire?
I have a spare Lapras. I think the Snorlax would finish GA for me too! You can send whenever if you’re happy with that trade.