GTA 2 and Warcraft 2 were the best in their respected series
Cause it was really the first of it’s kind and was on a console. GTA while was also console released was a lot different and not as polished.
This meme was made by someone who didn’t grow up during the time of top down games, WC/WC2, FO1/2 and GTAs all were insanely good for their time.
GTA2 and 3 might as well have been different series for how different they were. Both were great but I’ve always wanted to see a top down successor to GTA2. The game was much goofier and the top down view let you kite a ridiculously large police force through the wildest chases imaginable.
GTA2 was just plain fun.
Kind of like how Metroid forked into its 2D and 3D incarnations, each with a separate story and timeline even (The Metroid Prime series splits off after Super Metroid, and Fusion / Dread diverge significantly)
With Prime 4 lost in the pipe somewhere, Dread was an honest surprise to see. Even more surprising was to see it was a 2D Fusion sequel over a decade later! And it felt like a real return to form for Metroid and was a blast to play.
This is how I feel a GTA2 sequel could be received, but they would need some way to identify it from the 3D titles that most people identify as GTA now.
Maybe even an HD remaster with some new content would be well received. I would love to play GTA2 again in HD.
Kind of like how Metroid forked into its 2D and 3D incarnations
Most people use Zelda as their example for the phenomenon