I can’t believe gas prices are only $3/gallon. That needs to be at least $20/gallon to make any dent in this climate catastrophe
Where’s the party that is running on a platform of gradually increasing the gas prices to $99/gallon and beyond?
Yes, punish us poor people who have no other option than to commute instead of the mega-corporstions. Good thinking.
You have bikes and busses. Everyone does.
Of course the increase tax on carbon would directly fund giving poor people free bus tickets and bicycle maintenance
Bikes and buses are great if you go from one central location to another central location.
Do you know how long bus routes are in rural counties? Imagine the logistics of trying to collect all the adults that want to get to work.
I live in rural Washington state. The nearest bus station from where I work is a two mile walk. The nearest bus station from where I live is a three mile walk. I live twenty miles from where I work. Biking and Bussing simply aren’t feasible.
I like bikes and busses. We don’t need bikes and busses to solve this problem, we need telecommuting and walkable communities.
I live in a city that has ‘good’ transit by North American standards. It’s 25km from my house to the office, and takes about half an hour to drive. If I were to take the supposedly ‘good’ transit, it would take 2 hours each way. That would mean that both my spouse and I would leave home before our kids even wake up, so they would have to manage getting themselves out of bed, fed, and off to school with no parent in the house, we would get home far too late to take them to any extracurricular activities, never mind making sure they eat healthy home cooked meals. I could move closer to the office, but then my COL would increase by 2-3X, meaning that all the good stuff I can afford for them now would become too expensive.
So sure, I have transit, but it’s fucking useless.
To get to my job it would require several miles of biking followed by an hour bus trip. We don’t just “all have” the ability to take busses and bikes everywhere. Plus during none of that time do I have access to a bike lane, so I’d be just praying I don’t get run over by some dick head
Car dependency punishes poor people. The solution is viable alternatives, for which having fewer cars is often very beneficial.
Raising the gas prices 10x overnight won’t create those alternatives overnight, nor will it put petrol companies out of business because they pass the cost on to consumers who are mostly forced to buy gas at whatever the current price is with no other viable transportation method.
Infrastructure takes time. Sadly the US govt isn’t even at the starting line for any meaningful public transit system in most cities.
If gas prices went up 10x overnight, some higher earners could switch to working from home (a positive result), but other industries such as retail don’t really get that luxury… Contributing to more wealth inequality
So because you think alternatives that don’t exist should you would raise gas prices and obscene amount and put people on the streets?
I live in a small rural town where everybody commutes to their factory job and is already barely scraping by. What do you think all those people should do to stave off being homeless when they can’t afford to drive?
Yes, but that alternative infrastructure needs to be in place before you can start really discouraging cars with, for example, high gas prices. Raising gas prices to that extent right now in most places outside of a few major cities would just cause people not to be able to get to work.
We’re trying that in Canada right now, and it’s making a lot of people very angry.
Those people are ignorant and wrong, but they’re loud enough that even parties on the left are saying “maybe we should try something else.”
It is really interesting to think about how we built our entire society around gas being insanely cheap. You can buy a gallon of it for $3, which is as much as you would pay for a large cup of coffee in most places, something which we have essentially an infinite supply of.
World yearly oil consumption (2021): 35,442,913,090 barrels (42 US gal)
World coffee production (2022): 175.35 million (60kg bags)
It’s not even close. lol