Basically, title
Ask her about the topic. Learn a little yourself and show a genuine interest then ask for her help understanding it. This creates salience in the learning for her and also shifts her from arbitrary retention to learning to explain to you, so the mental structures are much more dynamic.
I would also recommend finding interesting things that are on the other side of understanding that material. For example, what is in the next unit? What cool things will learning this stuff unlock? It is not always the best strategy especially at the start of the unit, but as you get towards the end of the unit it can help bring the focus back to getting through the exams.
Small, immediate rewards for small achievable goals. We respond to them better than people without ADHD
Edit her unit learning guide so that the due dates on all her stuff are a week earlier than they actually are.
Plan in a session each day and be next to her, just watching her.
That would be what helps me most, planning in a timespan and then having someone look at me to not fuck it up
Break up now. She’ll blame you for everything that goes wrong between now and a few months. Also, you dont want to be the guy driving her to every drug store in. 50 mile radius looking for Vyvanse and Adderall on finals week.