And you, what’s your operating system to code ? Me, I use Arch btw
All three main desktop operating systems suck for very different reasons
As a linux dev, this conspicuously misses mentioning Visual Studio.
True, but he mentions .NET development is Windows first, and even mentions that you have “some IDE’s that work with it, like Rider”. He kind of said it without mentioning the specific IDE.
Rider is the real MVP anyways.
My company and literally every company I’ve worked for somehow has been deeply afraid of leaving .NET framework for .NET core or .NET 6, 7, or 8.
I just want to get away from needing Windows to run my programs locally
I don’t think it is fear. We are transitioning our decades old software to .net 6 right now. It will approximately take a full year (we are about halfway done) since we use WPF, WCF and a lot of Windows native APIs. And in the end we will be on 6-windows and not the cross platform sdk since we can not get rid of WPF without major UI rewrites.
Most companies I worked with had a choice of the work laptop, usually Windows/Linux or MacBook. And the trick is, you cannot buy cheap MacBook. So the choice is using linux but with a terrible screen, unusable trackpad and bad hardware, or take MacBook and enjoy all premium.
So I always take MacBook and then ask for a local workstation where I will have linux with i3 / Sway WM.
My company didn’t leave me a choice, I got an XPS 15 which I had to setup with my distro of choice (but all the internal tooling is for Ubuntu, I personally would have preferred to install Fedora or Debian 12 with i3wm).
It’s not that bad a laptop but it overheats like crazy and has really shit battery life (barely enough for a meeting), and some of its features I can’t explain : why is a 4k touchscreen on a laptop a good thing? It eats 4x the battery for no noticeable visual improvement. I don’t use my laptop 5 inches from my face.
I remember having bad overheating issues with Linux years ago on an XPS 15 (9560 model if memory serves, so unlike yours no 4k or touch).
The key on mine was to disable the dedicated GPU which I didn’t need anyway. I remember afterwards, mint would run mostly quiet and the battery lasted longer than on the windows partition. If you are interested look up bumblebee on the arch wiki.
Also I know this reply is late, but maybe it helps.
I already thought about disabling the dedicated GPU on that laptop, but I unfortunately cannot since I need it to train neural networks and the occasional lan party at, work
I wish the company I worked for would let us use Linux. Mac dev only. :(
Nah these days with wsl, I prefer windows over Mac. At least you get packages that have been updated in the past decade.
WSL has been super garbage for me with the WM closing without warning to update and if you don’t limit the ram usage it just takes everything available because it just doesn’t free memory that isn’t using anymore. Two issues that have been open on the repository for a long time.
I care about freedom. In that regard, mac is easily the worst of the three. Also, it kinda combines the downsides of both:
- Being proprietary crap that tries to force you into using it a specific way and does shit in the background nobody ever asked for
- Not being compatible with some proprietary soft- or hardware
I hate windows with a passion but would take it anytime if mac would be the only other option.
Every windows machine a job has given me has been a hunk of garbage. At least Mac hardware has a floor of quality. Not perfect by any means, but at least the battery lasts and there’s basic horsepower.
Also every windows machine has been with a fossilized company that has tons of IT bloat with tons of spyware authentication shit on it. Hell I had to file (and fight for) wsl privileges on my current windows machine
The Macs I’ve gotten have been brand new, straight from the manufacturer.
I’m sure that’s just luck of the draw but yeah fuck windows shops hah
Hell nah. Personally, mac os is the most frustrating of the bunch to use.
I switched over to MacOs about 3 months ago now for dev work and I’ve really been enjoying it so far. Except when there are weird hiccups, but they’ve been getting better as I get more familiar with it
Being built on nix doesn’t mean it’s similar, just that they have some commands in common.
I miss my Linux dev machine daily.
They are both UNIXes, that’s quite a lot of similarity and I wouldn’t write it off that fast.
So many praises for Windows and Mac about ‘premium features’, ‘corporate environment’ and ‘device support’. But not enough talk about how they treat customers like crap and cash cows. Windows is replete with spyware and ads. It doesn’t respect the user’s choices, like when not to do an update or opening the links with a browser of user’s choice. Heck! Some versions don’t even allow you to register users without a cloud account. And now they are taking definite steps towards ensuring that you can’t do anything they don’t approve - with TPM and pluton non-sense. Praising windows is like being in an abusive relationship and finding justifications for it.
Mac is on the other extreme. They lock down their platform more and more in every revision in the name of security. It’s getting harder to side-load apps. Why? For security, of course! No mention of how security comes primarily from platform design. Then there is the hardware, where everything is glued, soldered, riveted, digitally locked, etc, etc. Any small issue, and it’s garbage. Not even parts from another genuine Mac can be used. Macs also have the strange distinction of needing calibration and signing of any part that can be replaced at all. It’s deliberately designed to extract more money from you and create a tonne load of e-waste (iWaste?). Mac fanbois have a habit of justifying it in the name of ‘miniaturization’ and progress. Honestly, that’s just hand-wavy and completely wrong technical argument. And Apple says it is all for ‘privacy’ and ‘security’ while their actual reason is the pursuit of double-digit growth (not just profits). So, in effect, Apple is saying to their customers “Oh honey! You’re are just too stupid to take care of it. So let me just decide for you” - all the while squeezing you for money. Does it end there? Oh no! They need developers to pay a yearly fee and want to take a huge cut from their profits. All that for “providing the engineering, platform and services”. As if the exorbitant price they extract from their customers isn’t enough.
The hardware situation on Linux distros and frankly even BSDs isn’t as bad as it is projected by some. Most devices just work even on a live installation medium. Even Nvidia works. (Have you considered the possibility that if any device doesn’t work, it’s the manufacturer’s fault and not the OS’s? There are plenty of devices for which the community maintains the drivers, just because the device manufacturer isn’t an utter trashbag). There are tonnes of games too - thanks to Valve and Proton. And as for the ‘corporate env’, you are probably just locked in or too used to them. There are users who have been on these platforms for decades now without complaints. And there are companies built entirely on them. Can you say the same about any of the company that makes your OS/devices? Is there one among them that doesn’t use Linux or BSDs?
Look! I’m not claiming that everything is rosy on the Linux and BSD side of things. Sometimes you have to find an alternative way of doing things (there are plenty of options). Sometimes, you have to configure a lot. Sometimes, you have to carefully choose your hardware so that your life is easier with Linux and BSDs. But there is one thing they don’t ask you to do- and that is to surrender your self-respect. You don’t get treated like cash cow. You don’t get spied on as if you are a thief. You don’t get restricted like a school kid. You’re not told that your choices are wrong. Your choices are not disrespected. You don’t get treated like you owe them after you paid your hard earned money on the devices they make. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if the little conveniences are bigger than your self-respect.
Well so can you install Linux on Windows, Windows on macOS, Windows on Linux, macOS on Windows and macOS on Linux.
From that point of view, all OSs are identical (and to be fair, they pretty much are, nearly everything runs on a VM called ‘web browser’ already).
Macs are actually secure. Not as much as ios, but compared to the general linux userspace, it is like a military establishment vs a homeless tent.
Did you miss the part where I said they use the security argument to lock down the device and restrict the user? In addition, Linux distros in their default configuration may not be secure - but there are plenty of packages that can secure it down to a deep level. It just depends on the user’s threat level assessment. That military establishment vs homeless tent analogy is just pure hyperbole and FUD.
Security doesn’t work like that and I find it important to share the insecure nature of most linux distros with many people, hopefully to make it improve one day.
Currently a make install
can do literally anything to your computer besides installing a video card driver (as per the old xkcd comic) and sure there is firejail… but let’s be honest, how often do you use it? Defaults matter, and thus linux is insecure.
Also, again, how is osx locked down? What’s a concrete thing you can’t do on it?