I was watching “…why Skyrim?” by Razbuten on sloptube this aft and it’s so weird that it finally took Starfield for people to realise. Like Fallout 76 wasn’t enough, only now are negative things people were first saying about Skyrim in 2012 finally bleeding into mainstream consciousness. It’s so wild, like wow they ruined the magic system? The game has worse writing than a PS1 era Mega Man X game??? Skyrim is just shitty Game of Thrones?? Welcome to thirteen years ago!!
Bethesda hasn’t made a really good game since 2002, but it’ll probably be years before that realisation sinks in.
Okay it’s over everyone, the R*dditors have found the thread here.
Choice cuts:
The “Bethesda hasn’t made a really good game since 2002” gives it away as yet another case of sour grapes from a Morrowind stan.
People really do think I’m like, a Morrowind purist, but frankly it was too complex for me at the time, I played Oblivion and Fallout 3 way more. I like Morrowind the best other than NV but I do think F3 and Oblivion are decent games.
We can’t just casually enjoy or dislike or criticize something anymore. We have to make sweeping statements that leave zero room for nuance.
NUANCE! CONTEXT! CIVILITY!!! I guess “dogshit” was kinda spicy of me to use, but I really do not like Skyrim at all lol.
Mom says it’s -my- turn to post the controversial take about one of the best selling games of all time in order to garner engagement and make money
Tell me how to make money from hexbear posting right now! But anybody who thinks this is like a controversial take for clicks, 1) why “karmafarm” on fuckin hexbear, 2) no I actually do think this. I also think Sonic Adventure 2 and Symphony of the Night were catastrophic game design mistakes, fwiw.
Update: oh man I am so not looking at r*ddit comments anymore. “Im not gonna stop enjoying it just cuz some youtuber said so” okay nice! Literally go for it!! R*dditors are fuckin built different.
Redditors are so cringe but it’s funny watching them flail around and fail at basic reading comprehension
Yeah I wrote an essay (scroll down) about why I hate it to death and it bores me!!
I find it odd that you don’t mention Aria at all. It’s the main one of these games I played, so I don’t have much of a reference point for the rant.
Why do we have to do this thing every few years where we decide something people used to like is actually dogshit?
I hate when people say this. Your fave was dogshit from the start fucko, you were just so swept up in the hype that you ignored all criticisms.
Skyrim is boring, every sonic game is trash no exceptions and Symphony of the Night and other metroidy castlevanias have awful level design
Sonic Adventure 2
I will not hear this disrespect for the game that came attached to Chao Garden.
spoiler yes
To put this thread into perspective, there are YouTube channels dedicated to Starfield content with more subscribers than this sub. The edgelord take is seldom representative outside of its bubble.
The worst thing about those games is that they are filled with so many edgelords complaining about all the wrong things, that things like the steeping predatory monetization practices that began with Oblivion and have drastically increased since then no longer get called out as they once were when they tried to shove them again in early Skyrim. But outside of that, stop playing gatekeeper and let people enjoy what they play to enjoy and if you don’t like it, maybe spend your time being positive about what you do like instead of negative and berating for people liking what you don’t like.
I’ll be taking my own advice and removing myself from this community forever
we would really appreciate this. have ur temper tantrum elsewhere
Got it, confirmation that you really like your echo chambers and allowing shit talk to only go one way while trying to act oblivious to it, and seeing the communities you moderate, that this is systemic throughout hexbear. Thanks for the heads up, I love it when incompetent bad faith actors out themselves.
Okay are they pre-existing Bethesda channels, like that used to be Skyrim or Fallout channels though? But yeah Razbutin is just a lil guy, and not even a good channel at that. I struggle to label it an “edgelord take” because he is the most milquetoast normie, however. A lot of these videos are by normos.
Are they still doing the Creation Club shit? I stopped paying attention after launch Skyrim so aside from the Fallout 76 cash shop Idk.
stop playing gatekeeper and let people enjoy what they play to enjoy and if you don’t like it,
Why is this viewed as ‘gatekeeping’? Very silly. My reference points for better games are usually Oblivion and New Vegas, themselves also PC/PS360 games with massive sales numbers. Who’s gatekeeping? Also, duh, I have long accepted that people like Skyrim, that’s why this observation of some youtube videos is the first time I’m really saying “skyrim bad” online in years. Why would I be trying to stop people playing the game? How would I, even?
if you don’t like it, maybe spend your time being positive about what you do like instead of negative and berating people
Gamers are so deeply unserious. “Do not be negative, criticism bad!!! Watch your tone!!!” Also I do not think I have berated anyone anywhere in this thread for liking the game, bit of projection maybe.
I gotta say, labelling people who disagree “edgelords” really is pretty funny. Not sending their best, I see!
I played Skyrim up until the quest where you had to unite the leaders of the warring factions. I got bored, haven’t picked it up since. This play through was this year in 2024, it was the anniversary edition, first time I had played it. The combat is boring, the armor got too good too fast, and it wasn’t a challenge, so then go back to story, the story is not good either. Just not a fun game, no reason to keep playing.
They should have enforced a much more rigid class system, warrior, ranger (or thief), or spellcaster, and not allowed you to be anything you wanted. Elden Ring suffers the same, you can start as any class, but become anything you want. It defeats the purpose of class based systems. Also, there should have been much more armor and weapons choices for each of the classes.
Path of exile excels at class based choices and goes even further with ascendancy, so much more replay value.
A big part of all good fantasy games is the specialization and discovering new gear, abilities all the time, and fighting bad guys, not running around all the time doing boring quests, and then fighting boring dragons.
I do not disagree with any of this, true as fuck. Unlike in life, Skyrim’s abolishment of the class system was a disaster. Like Todd didn’t even get why specialisation existed before.
You claim to be a comrade, but you are upset when the class system is abolished, curious.
Like Todd didn’t even get why specialisation existed before.
The stated reason was to simplify the design and make it easier for players less familiar with the genre to understand. Honestly, not as much of a failure from that perspective.