I was watching “…why Skyrim?” by Razbuten on sloptube this aft and it’s so weird that it finally took Starfield for people to realise. Like Fallout 76 wasn’t enough, only now are negative things people were first saying about Skyrim in 2012 finally bleeding into mainstream consciousness. It’s so wild, like wow they ruined the magic system? The game has worse writing than a PS1 era Mega Man X game??? Skyrim is just shitty Game of Thrones?? Welcome to thirteen years ago!!
Bethesda hasn’t made a really good game since 2002, but it’ll probably be years before that realisation sinks in.
God, dad could drive a silt strider
It’s amazing how Morrowind was just a breath of fresh air in terms of fantasy settings and writing
Then we get Oblivion, which tossed out everything interesting in lieu of casting Patrick Stewart (for five minutes) and Sean Bean, with even the high points being fairly cookie cutter nonsense that only seemed good because the rest of the game was so bland
Now Skyrim on the other hand, immediately went to Epic Dragon Viking Town, but stripped the game of even more depth and even made the dragons some of the easier enemies in the game
Like, what fucking game designer goes “Dragons should be far and away the most annoying enemy to fight”?
Then we get Oblivion, which tossed out everything interesting in lieu of casting Patrick Stewart (for five minutes) and Sean Bean, with even the high points being fairly cookie cutter nonsense that only seemed good because the rest of the game was so bland
Didn’t Skyrim get rid of the dynamic npc conversations? That was like a highlight of Oblivion which was a pretty bad game overall.
“Oh it’s you.”
“Have you heard of the high elves?”
“I saw a mudcrab the other day, horrible creatures!”
“Good bye!”
i like oblivion and fallout 3 for the nostalgia factor but yeah, they basically all stink
Fallout 3 is a cool knockoff STALKER fwiw, and I was an Oblivion enjoyer too. They’re still decent games to me, but their core story quests are both atrocious and I miss like, spears or swappable pauldrons or actual dialogue from Morrowind :/
watching martin put on the amulet and win the fight at the end of oblivion always felt incredibly anticlimactic to me. you’re telling me that i’m a great hero who essentially played sidekick to the real hero? ok todd
You mean you didn’t like watching Sean Bean die to stop Mehrunes Dagon without actually contributing anything?
I like Skyrim (as well as older Elder Scrolls games) but I’m also basic enough to enjoy most Ubisoft open world games so my opinion should probably legit be discarded
Yeah, don’t get me wrong there are some open world games that even I don’t consider worth playing but I enjoy vegging out and liberating portions of a map sometimes, what can I say
but I enjoy vegging out and liberating portions of a map sometimes
I totally feel that. Its such a soothing experience. Completely mind off - climb viewpoints, go to incons on map, grab collectibles - it’s all i want sometimes.
I’m baffled that Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag was made, and Ubisoft didn’t just pivot to make better and better pirate games. Or us all as a society generally.
Like I should be sailing my customized privateer interceptor around the Caribbean with my crew of lesbian love interests, while maxing out a pistols build that lets me shoot 6 times at the start of combat from 6 pistols hanging off my character.
I torrented this shit in 2011 and I shut it off 5 minutes in because it just felt like lord of the rings