As a medical user, I really hope she will stick to this if elected. Trump is doing more “leave it up to the states” bullshit except specifically for Florida and no other state.
I mean, this won Trudeau 3 elections, so I’d say it’s a worth it campaigning point.
I should clarify to those non Canadians out there; Trudeau did legalize weed after the first election he won.
It’s just that it was such a popular move I believe it’s the reason he’s been around for so long. It bought a ton of good will with the public.
Best way to get the young male vote to be honest. Isn’t this part of what made Ron Paul popular?
Ron Paul wass popular becausue of his racist newsletter back in the 80’s. Everything else was just whitewash.
Ron Paul wasn’t popular because of a racist newsletter. He was popular because the libertarian ideals he espoused were appealing to internet dwellers that hadn’t experienced real life yet.
Man, I’m happy someone else might remember that time on Reddit which I could only call “peak cringe”. Everyone and their mother seemed to love Ron Paul on that site
Bit easy to dismiss millions of people because they aren’t cynical or bitter and then equating that to basically being young and dumb. Perhaps reality is what it is because it’s always the Bush’ and Clinton’s, who only marginally affect the status quo, and never the Ron Paul’s, who see inherent issues with the system, or ‘reality’, and at least have somewhat of an inclination to improve it.
To me, a European, he was one of the very few, if any, candidates that made sense and seemed consistent in how he voted and spoke. And I consider myself to be quite libertarian.
I don’t really understand your remark to be honest, other than shoehorning the “he made a racist remark” thing into the conversation. Perhaps you could elaborate.
The point is that Ron Paul was a true, modern, libertarian in that his “freedom” and “liberty” shtick was always about freedom to do segregation via “freedom of association” and other such nonsense. Ron Paul created the libertarian to fascist pipeline because libertarianism has mever been anything but veiled racism
In before it gets legalized federally and then some republican states start spouting states rights and continue to arrest people that are following the law.
That is actually the current argument being made for weed legalization. “This isn’t a federal issue, California has every right to make the consumption of canabis legal in their state!” Harris’ legalization would make it legal in states that do not have a set restriction, as well as allow federal employees, such as soldiers, to consume it in legal states.
Been waiting a long time for this.
I love how it’s a bit of a stretch to back legalising a substance which has become legal in a fair number of states without any issue (that I’m aware of).
How many elections before a candidate is praised for saying something like, “I, unlike the others, am prepared to accept that the populace generally believes that vegetables are part of a healthy diet?”, because we live in a world where the vast majority of candidates are just saying any old stupid shit that is viral on social media.
Those states still have dispensaries and grow operations raided all the time, putting people who work at them at risk. There’s also the fact that people like me, who need it for medical use, are breaking both state and federal law by going from Indiana to Illinois to buy it. It could potentially put me in federal prison (probably not, but that is the way things stand legally).
The only way I can explain such stupidity is by assuming malice, e.g.: “We must put endless fear into the poor people. Our decisions are moral, theirs are not.”
And because of that possibility for malice, it needs to be federally legal.
Cops should not be given tools of oppression.
I think 40 states have medical and 25 have recreational. It’s insane that it’s even a question about federal legalization at this point.