The atmosphere is so heated, and the statements are getting more and more extreme. Let’s just assume Harris wins the election. After a campaign like this, how could you ever have a normal relationship with your pro-Trump neighbor/father-in-law/Uncle/Barber or what ever again?
The simple answer, if they wrap their entire personality up into red or blue I don’t associate with em anyway. The fools who believe either side cares for them is hilarious. Frankly until there is a third option to split the vote it’s one giant dumpster fire regardless of which rich fuck wins.
Our regional election’s up in the air as so many districts had a third party spoil it that the cruel aristocracy won. Time and time again, like some Stein nightmare made real.
- progressive 48%
- conservative 49%
- third party splitter 3%
Our popular vote is 48.52%, 48.51%, 2.87% .
In every case the no-chance green vote killed a majority. We’re going to end-up conservative, and led by a climate-change denying anti-vax Mr Burns.
Bot, #bothSides, right?
I still can’t look you people (Americans) in the face from the last dozen horrible things you’ve collectively done.
How can you ever let your guard down around this maniac society, let alone go back to normal?
Living in the interior of the stolen lands, what normal do you even think there is to offer? Endless towns build on nothing but walmarts and jails, having displaced any culture of value generations ago.
Speaking as an American, I hate how our government runs, there are tons of issues with it, and I do what I can’t to help fix it. Like the majority of us are not happy, but we have not collectively done these things, most of the terrible things that have happened in America are the machinations of a wealthy elite who have been able to shape voting districts and policy thanks to continually laxing regulations and unfettered capitalism.
I was just born here, I didn’t make this place. This place isn’t what I want it to be. Just line any other country, we are all just people trying to live and get something out of life. With the way the education system is here most people don’t even realize how ass backwards things are because “that’s how it’s always been” for them. It’s upsetting. But it doesn’t make them bad people, just naive usually. This is why things like intersectionality and critical race theory are so important and this is why the far right in this country is pushing against them. The issues in America boil down to race and class based inequality, intentional defunding of public programs, and then miseducation of the populous on these issues and how they actually affect everyone. I promise you those of us who understand all this are doing everything we can do reverse course. Personally everything happening here weighs on me heavily and I often forget to enjoy what’s right in front of me because the big picture is so scary. It’s stressful as fuck.
What you see in the news and on social media doesn’t paint a true picture of what daily life is like here for people. Most of Trump’s supporters aren’t the hateful bigots that the Internet makes them out to be, they’re just convinced that he’s the lesser of the 2 evils. This is why you see that his rallies are empty and he’s still polling at ~47%.
Most of the deepest Trump cult fanatics live in communities where that is more prevalent, like rural Alabama, so if you don’t live where they live, you just don’t really encounter them. And if you do live in those areas, you’re already used to the rampant racism because it’s always been there.
So me and my immigrant wife will still go visit my pro-trump uncle for his annual pig roast, because he’s not a bad person, he’s just a moron. I’ll still call my conservative mother every week because she’s not threatening to kill me for voting blue, she’s just consumed too much anti-Kamala propaganda. My religious sister is still welcome to visit because even though she’s an idiot, my nieces are freakin adorable and I love them.
I assume you’re not in the crosshair of Trump policy once he gets elected? Because for some people threats to their life and voting Trump are about the same thing.
You continue to tolerate your family tolerating and even choosing hate and bigotry, even if they themselves don’t exhibit them to your face. Your uncle IS a bad person.
So say they cut their family off and now have no support network. Now what?
There’s a middle ground. Not talking won’t convince anyone, either.
But realizing that certain people are bad people because they express their values through certain votes is important.
E. g. you can not attend the roast and cite their political views as the reason, especially with the recent (and constant) hate on immigrants. That doesn’t mean they’re cut off.
We simply don’t talk politics. My wife is the peacemaker. When someone brings up something political she shuts that shit down quickly.
It’s when people don’t know what to talk about other than politics that I think they are truly lost. Watch some fucking football and hate on each others’ team. I think some people need that sort of idle animosity.
Anyway, there are more to people than politics.
Trump is not the problem. Trump didn’t make Duterte happen, or Orban, or Meloni, or Brexit, or Putin, or Bibi, or le Pen or any of the others. He’s a symptom of a dying world
No, because he’s a symptom. Calling him a problem is self-defeating because if he goes away the problem is not solved.
It seems likely to cause a rift though as they all fight to take the reigns. We saw in the primaries that no one was even up to the task for taking the reigns from an old criminal drowning in legal woes who attempted a violent coup, and also pissed off McConnell, the next most powerful republican.
I still don’t understand Trump’s “charisma”, but there’s no denying that it seems exclusively his. The other candidates tried saying the quiet parts out loud too, and didn’t manage to elicit any hint of fervor.
He may be a symptom, but a political defeat would stall their fascist movement. And only a Dem controlled house/senate/potus combined have much chance at stopping, or at least stalling, this freight train. And they may just eat each other if we can stall them long enough.