Well yeah? If his workers make 66k how is he going to make 23 mil this year?
I thought he looked a lot like Chris Farley!
Looks like while all of Chris’s brothers got in to comedy his cousin Jim decided to become a laughing stock of a person instead. You did it all wrong, Jimbo.
Tommy Boy is literally based on this loser fucking prick.
Ford has 186,000 employees. His entire salary, divided amongst every employee, would be $112.90.
He’s certainly overpaid - like pretty much all CEOs - but this is a bad example.
Did the post day to divide his salary to everyone or did it laugh at the thought of a living wage bankrupting his company?
No the post compared his salary to the employees earning $66,000 or above. I’m not sure what the median income is at Ford, but I’d guess it’s less than that - so really the post is only in support of less than half of the company’s workforce.
Yes, the post did just that…
…while laughing at the thought that raising the lower paid people’s salary will bankrupt his company.
Your attempt to spin the memes meaning around is an amount of reaching that I’d recommend stretching for next time
Its called juxtaposition my guy, Ford also spent almost half billion on stock buybacks last year which could have been used to give every Ford Employee a $2500 bonus to share their profits, but instead they used it to buy back stocks…
Well see that’s a good example. Ford is a profitable business, and should be paying their employees. All I’m pointing out is that the CEO’s salary - in the specific example of this business - does not represent a significant proportion of what is being taken from the average employee. That’s most likely going to the shareholders.
The CEO’s are partially to blame, but more blame lies with the shareholders, and also the legal system that mandates the CEO’s act in the interest of the hypothetical worst, most profit-hungry shareholder.
The dividend is only 15 cent a share. It is almost 10%. It should be around 5%.
Personally I think there should be a law you can’t borrow to pay dividends. They must come from cash
Sure, but Ford made a profit of 10 billion last year according to google. That means that they can give every single one of those 186k people a 6000$ raise and still be left with almost 9 billion in profit.
Yes, that’s a good example. All I’m saying is the CEO’s salary is not the root problem here. It’s more of a symptom.
Isn’t the CEO one of the main people that decide salaries? When you’re ok with you having a multimillion salary and you say that others should be happy with 60k a year… that sounds like a problem to me
It probably will bankrupt him. But only because he built his business on the basis of exploiting employees. He won’t make money if he doesn’t do that. Which of course means he shouldn’t be in business.
He is only CEO. Ford going to zero will only sting, it cannot bankrupt him.
Your point remains.
Exactly. It’s not “his” company, he’s just at the peak of the decision-makers, currently. If he remains (short-term) profit-focused, they’ll give him a golden parachute of most of the workers’ labor to safely land at another company to cut costs and terminate employees and further enrich himself…