Hawk Tuah
Pump and dump
Oh come on now
I can only imagine that the writers at The Onion are going insane because they just can’t compete with reality anymore.
That’s the last time I invest in an opportunity championed by someone who’s only claim to fame is their explanation of how to properly suck a dick.
hey now id like to see you transform that claim to fame into a wildly successful media presence /halfjoke
At this stage, I have no sympathy for anyone dumb enough to invest in an obvious pump-n-dumps.
there’s more people out there than you think. your exposure to the concept is relatively niche and privelaged, i think there’s still massive chunks of the population with exploitable cash out there that cons like this seek to exploit
I understand that, but I seriously doubt these people are losing essential money. If you can afford to buy Hawk Tuah coins for the ‘community aspect’ then they probably aren’t at risk of losing their life saving.
There’s a big gap between what’s happening here and telescammers robbing grannies for example.
you’re free to believe that, without proof there’s no argument either way, and in any case it’s my personal belief this kind of manipulation of assets should be illegal no matter the target audience
Every time a notable/famous person or “influencer” or whatever talks about a crypto coin, it is a pump and dump. Shes just doing what all the other scumbag influencers are doing.
For years now crypto has just been another tool to extract wealth from the lower class.