Mirror: https://archive.is/0XqwR
It’s one thing to mock it on pseudonymous platforms like Reddit and the fediverse.
It’s another to do it somewhere linked to your real name and job like LinkedIn.
People really hate insurance companies.
Don’t do it under your names folks, regime will be making lists based on this.
They are scared and they will lash out.
With that being said, fuck that parasite.
You think having a fake online name will stop them from finding out who you are? Did you even pay attention to the Snowden leaks?
Make them spend more resources doing deanonymizations. First they have to get the IP from instance admins, then trace the tor routing, then the VPN that I use, then ask for my ISP. Make them do all that work.
(Or maybe they already have access by simply activating their backdoors within Intel ME, AMD PSP, and whatever baseband backdoor on the phones they have, and have just gotten everyone’s real identities in an instant, we can’t know for sure.)
It is almost never a question of whether it’s possible or not. You WILL make a mistake. It’s just a question of how much effort you’re worth as an individual.
They already have lists. The only hope we have is to stand together in solidarity as the working class against the billionaire capitalists entering power.
Help, I’m now physically inside my system, but it’s kinda hard to read the screen at this angle. Plus I’ve got to reach out for keyboard input…
LinkedIn is one of the least sane social media sites I’ve ever had the displeasure of using. Under all the marketing BS and obviously fake feel good stories lie takes that would make your insane Facebook uncle blush.
I used to work for a big data company that tracked shares to various social networks and the frequency with which people share porn to LinkedIn was remarkably high.
People are too hung up about anonimity on the internet. When one of my country’s worst journalistic shitrags mandated a real name policy due to the rampant racism and other -isms in the comment section of their articles… nothing changed. People are happily spewing the same vile rethoric as before and proud to, instead of being shamed into silence.
“United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s final KD ratio (7,652,103:1) lands him among the all time greats,” a thread deleted by r/interestingasfuck moderators said.
What I like about this moment is that the people who ought to be fearful are indeed the ones who are fearful. I mean shit, Elon is posting Tweets about how great CEOs are actually, health insurance companies are removing pages from their websites that identify leadership, it’s a lovely little pocket of schadenfreude where we can all take a breath and prepare for the next 4 years.
I like the idea that they’ve got billions of dollars, but will have to live in a windowless bunker eating beans.
They couldn’t even hunker down in their mansions for two weeks of Covid lockdown.
They like to fantasize about it, but the reality of living like that will hit them fast.
These parasites know that we got numbers on our side and we permit their rule by and large…
I don’t think this corp of owners realize that plebs can turn on a dime, they got too comfortable. This is a wake up call.
Having their goon wacked like this got to make them feels a certain way hehe
He didn’t really get “assassinated”. He just got denied his critical-life benefits.
This isn’t a generational thing. For a start, he’s technically Gen X, not a boomer. And secondly, I’m older than him and I’m just as happy about that as everyone else.
You’ve seen pictures of him right? Just how fucking young do you think boomers are?
Boomer, n. “A privileged asshole who keeps fucking things up for everyone else.”
If that doesn’t apply to you, they’re not insulting you.
Exactly… Don’t humaniE this parasite. Give him that corpo treatment.
Claim to life denied 🙅
Sympathy witheld until forms can be obtained that prove that the bullet holes were not a pre existing condition.
This guy was willing to do it for free. Imagine if there was a bounty.
When society gets to the point where you will die if you don’t do anything … or you will die if you do something …
Eventually people realize that they will be punished, threatened or endangered no matter what they do or don’t do, some people will come to the conclusion that they would rather go down fighting.
If you’re going to get screwed doing nothing, some would rather go out on a blaze of glory because they no longer have anything to lose.
I am assuming that when this guy is caught, what we will find out is that his wife had cancer and died from it and they refused to honor their claims or something like that.
Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, and he just never gets caught.
If he does, it’s gonna be one hell of a gofundme campaign for his defense.
Even if he did, any funds would be frozen. A Monero Address would be a better way of receiving money.
Edit: Mind you, I expect him to very soon be arrested, so he wouldn’t really have any time to enjoy it.
Edit 2: Look up Jim Bell. He wrote a very popular essay in the 90s.
Interesting guy.
Edit 2: Look up Jim Bell. He wrote a very popular essay in the 90s.
This is one of the things that scares me about most about completely anonymous currencies and networks: untraceable kill orders and, to a lesser extent, unlimited bribery (that already exists in US). Because you know, it opens the most possibilities to people with money. Like billionaires.
According to the media, he made a lot of very amateur mistakes if that’s the case. Like leaving a water bottle and granola bar wrappers and being filmed on camera at a Starbucks.
Has the Starbucks guy actually been confirmed as the same person? It looked like clearly a different jacket and backpack, I assumed that was either an accomplice or just an unfortunate lookalike, but I suppose he could have changed or it could just be odd lighting tricks.
Can we crowdfund this, and provide a crypto bounty as reward for targets, including politicians, in the same way there was a reward for information on the shooter?
This would be to let those who step out of line know how much disdain there is for any of them in particular at any given moment, and the rewards can be split as needed.
The proletariat needs alternative systems of leverage.
This is for my Purge sequel screenplay, of course. One can dream.