Fwiw, this is untrue. Sorry to be the killjoy
This is a community that makes up lies as a joke, but it is true you shouldn’t expect double worms if you cut one in half. Lots of sad, worm-loving children learned this the hard way.
Cut a worm in two and both halves will writhe in agony as they slowly die.
As long as it’s not a snail I should be good.
as they say: “there are two worms inside you…”
Ok that reminded me of this joke:
A guy hears a knock on his door, he answers it and nobody’s there. “Damn kids,” he says. Then he notices a snail on the doormat, picks it up and throws it over the fence.
Six months later there’s another knock on the door. When he answers it there’s nobody there, but the snail is on the mat again. The snail looks up and says, “So… what was THAT all about?”