Enjoy some AI generated business goose
Tuxedo Scuba Bird
wtf do you mean ‘but remember’. i hate this stupid setup. that has nothing to do with anything
I think it does. World is a hell scape but at least there is this charming bit of logic to hold on to. Helped me get through the day.
I agree with you. It’s important to find anything that can help you retain some sanity. I love animals, cute things, language, culture, and China. This is very endearing to me. This stops me from immediately walking into traffic.
Until I scrolled down and saw it wasn’t even true. This truly is a hellscape. A Traffic walk sounds like a good idea.
You could do this all day with Vietnamese. Kangaroo is bag mouse. Orca is assassin fish, giraffe is a long-necked deer. Etc.
Dutch has a lot of good ones!
Hippo: Nile Horse (nijlpaard)
Leopard: Lazy Horse (luipaard)
Sea urchin: Sea Hedgehog (zee egel)
Seal: Sea Dog (zeehond)
Skunk: Stink Animal (stinkdier)
Turtle: Shield Toad (Schildpad)
Slug: Naked Snail (Naaktslak)
Porcupine: Spiky Pig (Stekelvarken)
Edit: formatting
Leopard: Lazy Horse (luipaard)
I’ve looked it up and apparently leo is lion and part is leopard or panther. So it’s a lion leopard. English and Dutch have the same etymology, and German too, all your examples are the same in German.
Are you implying that the word for leopard is compounded from the word for leopard??? How did they get the first word for leopard if they didn’t have a word for leopard???
Wow that’s a big bouncing animal! Kind of reminds me of-
“A mouse. Like a big mouse with a bag.”
…Good idea sir.