It’s more like “standing goose”
Goose is literally just “I” and “Bird”
Bussiness iBird
Sounds like a new apple drone that spys on you
Alas, it does not.
企鵝 is penguin. By itself, 企 means to stand on tiptoes, or to expect something. It’s also the first character in 企業, business. Sometimes business is abbreviated as just 企.
But “commitment” in English doesn’t literally mean ‘commercial glove noun’ just because ‘com’ can be short for commercial, and mit means glove.
Well at least the world is still a vast hellscape. Unless you got a good point to make against that too.
In spite of all of our problems, this is the first time in the history of modern civilization when we have gone 70 years without a major war between world powers. Every year, fewer people lack running water and electricity around the world. While climate change is a problem, emissions are projected to peak in the next few years and decline thereafter. Inflation is going back down, unemployment is still low in most places, and fears of a recession have cooled off.
It ain’t heaven, but it’s better than it could be, and many things are trending in a positive manner.
I, too, am tired of the constant pessimism. Almost everything is improving all the time.
On Lemmy it seems the biggest crisis is Google trying to make money off user data (as they always have been). Some people legitimately need to go outside and stop measuring world health by what mass media is currently telling them.
Ahem. I’m still on my tiptoes, awaiting the meaning of the second character in “business.”
Ugh… it’s business. Chinese does that sometimes. 業 means line of business, trade or occupation.
And I’m still waiting on the second character of penguin. I’m guessing that’s Chinese doing its thing again?
Now I’m picturing penguins having nonstop business meetings about fish and vendor relations in Antarctica.
You could do this all day with Vietnamese. Kangaroo is bag mouse. Orca is assassin fish, giraffe is a long-necked deer. Etc.
Wow that’s a big bouncing animal! Kind of reminds me of-
“A mouse. Like a big mouse with a bag.”
…Good idea sir.
Dutch has a lot of good ones!
Hippo: Nile Horse (nijlpaard)
Leopard: Lazy Horse (luipaard)
Sea urchin: Sea Hedgehog (zee egel)
Seal: Sea Dog (zeehond)
Skunk: Stink Animal (stinkdier)
Turtle: Shield Toad (Schildpad)
Slug: Naked Snail (Naaktslak)
Porcupine: Spiky Pig (Stekelvarken)
Edit: formatting
Leopard: Lazy Horse (luipaard)
I’ve looked it up and apparently leo is lion and part is leopard or panther. So it’s a lion leopard. English and Dutch have the same etymology, and German too, all your examples are the same in German.
Are you implying that the word for leopard is compounded from the word for leopard??? How did they get the first word for leopard if they didn’t have a word for leopard???