For the discerning homebuyer/vampire who hates the idea of natural sunlight!
…only three hundred grand for a house which violates the f*ck out of international building code, fire code, and life safety code; nice!..
…what are the odds of even more egregious DIY violations of electricial, mechanical, and plumbing code which we can’t see in casual realtor photos?..
I’d live there, get a few more crosses and lazy boys. Maybe some animal heads and more carpeting
this stunning shouse
Is that a typo or are they pointing out that it’s a house inside a shed?
Hillbilly Hilton
Great economic housing and storage idea. Got the land for cheap I’m sure. Giant steel building probably one of the cheapest options you could go for. Sweat equity just interior walls.
Way to go whoever you are!
You have no idea how hard it is wire, plumb, heat, cool, and add rooms. My one Daughter of mine as a FIL who has been a successful contractor. And they did something similar to that, building a house out of a pole barn and while mostly happy with the results so far, it was not as ideal as first thought in the end. The heating bill is insane with those crazy high ceiling.