Hey, i want to learn how to use the godot game engine to act upon my game design dreams.
Only Problem is i never used a game engine. I have limeted experience creating games in dosbox with python.
And i am looking for fun beginner challenges that i can finish within around an hour! what do you think i should do in godot to learn the fundamentals?
For example: Create a character that needs to jump to win. Challenges of that sort. Hope to get some achivable, creative promps :)
Character2D must enter an Area2D to win.
Create a 2D scene with platforms to be able to jump on to get into Area2D.
The default script of Character2D should be enough, so should not take too much to make.
Make a dice roller game/app.
Make a game where there is a countdown and you have to stop it as close to 0 as possible. Something like this Mario Party minigame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoNduqVEdTU
For extra fun, make it so the display says ??? and the player has to count the remaining time himself. The duration can also be randomized, sometimes 5 seconds, sometimes 3, sometimes 12. Good luck.
When you have any kind of game where you can make progress by unlocking things, make it so you can save it and load. Make it so you can save at least in two slots (or infinity by letting the user chose a file).
This will teach you how to store wins&unlocks, and that you must clean out any wins/unlocks from your character sheet.
Test case: unlock a fearure with save A
Load save B, check if it’s unlocked (it shouldn’t be).
Source: old gamedev.
Make a physics based dice rolling app for a role playing game that rolls any number of polyhedral dice in a virtual dice tray, and provides the sum total of the roll at the bottom.
Make it so it runs on a phone, and you can roll the dice by shaking the device.