Hey, i want to learn how to use the godot game engine to act upon my game design dreams.
Only Problem is i never used a game engine. I have limeted experience creating games in dosbox with python.
And i am looking for fun beginner challenges that i can finish within around an hour! what do you think i should do in godot to learn the fundamentals?
For example: Create a character that needs to jump to win. Challenges of that sort. Hope to get some achivable, creative promps :)
Have you made an idle/clicker game?
It will teach you timing and menus.
Idle/clicker sounds like a good idea.
On a tiny bit more advanced one, i would recommend something with a little bit of world persistency, like an exploration game with multiple rooms were the player has to place/retrieve objects. I found myself struggling with learning the benefits and limitations of the scene system and i think this could help.
More generally, I think a 2D platformer game is a good one to try : not too complicated, especially if there are no fights, but still requires to get used to most basic elements.
Make Minesweeper.
- Board size should be configurable on both axes
- Number of bombs should be configurable
- First click should always be ‘safe’
- User should be able to mark unsafe tiles as bombs
- Game should detect a win and a loss
It’s a surprisingly simple game to make, but it’s great for learning arrays and user input and Godot’s GUI system (the board can be a grid container.)
Make Minesweeper
Similar (I don’t know how much more difficult/different it’d be to implement):
Somebody recently made a newer version (free on Itch) called Dragonsweeper. I never really understood the appeal of Minesweeper, but this version makes it click for me (aside from more elements, the math and piece logic allows for more deduction). That, and it probably helps that you can make informed guesses (particularly further into a game) as the mines are not the main focus.
Their version is highly engaging, though does not currently include configuration or even a replay (after win) button.
It’s got me thinking that I want to make my own version, half as an excuse to make polygonal* art.
The first-step oversimplified version of this would be like normal minesweeper, though you:
- sum the value of cells (not just checking if full/empty)
- allow marking with numbers, not just a flag
- have mines be a value of 100 instead of 1
- add smaller-value tiles and a system to pace their removal (some freedom, can still lose here)
- re-sum neighboring tiles when a tile is removed
*= I have done 2D in-engine, 3D via blender+vertex colors, plus general material/shader tinkering.
I’d try going to itch.io and joining a game jam. They will usually give you a theme to work around and it’s a great way to learn stuff. Every time I try to do one I try something new.
id love too. But i assumed i need some base skills before i attempt this. I am actually looking forward to a game jam in summer thats why i wanna learn godot.
Character2D must enter an Area2D to win.
Create a 2D scene with platforms to be able to jump on to get into Area2D.
The default script of Character2D should be enough, so should not take too much to make.