I’m ok. Shit is rough out there right now.
Truckin’ along the best i can.
I’m doing as well as can be, also, first post. I saw Kentucky was “added” to the midwest as a community and said, “let’s make an account” - glad to get away from reddit. Honestly, I keep seeing the sticky post to go make friends, and with spring in KY, I’ve been going on walks to the park. So hello Lemmy, thanks for having me.
As good as can be expected after getting perma-banned on reddit for violating rules with multiple accounts just hours before my 7-day temp ban for ‘encouraging violence’ was lifted on appeal, despite only ever having had 1 account in my entire 14 years of using reddit.
Pretty good, I’ve been off of social media for a while but Lemmy looked intriguing enough to give it a try. I’m hoping it will be engaging without being addictive. So far I like it.