Sec. 2. Closing the Department of Education and Returning Authority to the States. (a) The Secretary of Education shall, to the maximum extent appropriate and permitted by law, take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and return authority over education to the States and local communities while ensuring the effective and uninterrupted delivery of services, programs, and benefits on which Americans rely.
It turns out the ones indoctrinating the kids have been the conservatives all along.
Fuck school choice vouchers.
The stupidest part of all this is its going to hurt the red states the most. Blue states already have great education
Can conservatives even get more stupid?
I would have thought voting for a felon rapist traitor who gives tax breaks to the wealthy over an actual prosecutor was rock bottom.
But I guess there is no rock bottom for conservatives.
The rock bottom is mass murder and wars that kill millions or billions — considering nukes and global warming — up to and including the extinction of the species, and death of the planet.
You ever hear of the war of northern aggression? How about the traitor of the union Abe Lincoln?
You are gonna hear alot of this in the future
The poorly educated are more susceptible to misinformation and manipulation. This will make the red states redder.
They are already red. What difference does it make?
They will realise how fucked they are once their doctors start treating them with leeches again.
wouldnt that mean itll affect blue states the most? they cant break whats already broken, but can surely break that which works well
No. Most blue states have adequate taxation to maintain operations without federal funds, and the federal funds go towards enhancements. Actually I’m pretty certain this won’t affect any blue state beyond a headache of having to rearrange budgets. But I also happen to know that a lot of school districts in my state at least anticipated this happening and have taken measures in advance to keep the education unimpeded.
Edit: additionally, most blue states only receive funds from the Dept. of Education in the forms of higher education. This will have a lasting impact on academia, but not basic education, which is far more vital.
Ok, so sure, a reasonably large chunk of all states education budget is going away, but for the states that do well, the hole will both be a smaller portion of the overall budget, and easier to make up.
No child left behind testing goes away, so the testing and standards all go away. You can bet the bottom 25 states in education ranking will quietly stop testing and claim they’re doing just great!
It’s the special Ed programs that are really going to catch hell. No dept. of Ed. no enforcement of standards. It will be the easiest portion to cut to save money, and the families left in the lurch will get nothing but thoughts and prayers to fill the gap.
But although Wells Fargo has more than 200,000 employees, the Department of Education has fewer than 1,500 in its Office of Federal Student Aid.
So it’s more efficient than a bank, BUT needs to be run by an actual bank? How stupid does he think we are?
How stupid does he think we are?
Before or after destroying the Department of Education? The entire reason behind this is that uneducated people don’t know their rights or how the government works, so the GOP can run roughshod over our rights.
The Department of Education currently manages a student loan debt portfolio of more than $1.6 trillion. This means the Federal student aid program is roughly the size of one of the Nation’s largest banks, Wells Fargo. But although Wells Fargo has more than 200,000 employees, the Department of Education has fewer than 1,500 in its Office of Federal Student Aid. The Department of Education is not a bank, and it must return bank functions to an entity equipped to serve America’s students.
Move student loans to private banks! There it is.