I would think that would make her uniquely qualified to teach it.
Yes, many academic disciplines view fieldwork as essential. Those who abstain can even be labeled as armchair theorists.
Sex ed is ideally about healthy relationships and safe sex. A prostitute is probably the exact opposite of what you want for that.
Sex-as-industry is a deeply fucked up field that is almost guaranteed to build resentment and unhealthy associations with sex.
I dated an ex-escort for a while and the relationship was just fine. I think you’re talking without any real experience.
It can be fine. That doesn’t make them the “most qualified to teach sex ed”
A woman who has sex for work would be very concerned about doing so safely. She is likely going to know about STDs and pregnancies as well as how to prevent them and how to deal with them if/when they come up.
She has experience in setting expectations, limits, and breaking off sex when she needs to.
She is going to have more experience with the human body, what’s “normal” physically, what warning signs are for various STDs.
She’ll likely be the least judgemental person for someone to talk to when it comes to sex and sexual relationships.
Sex-as-industry is a deeply fucked up field that is almost guaranteed to build resentment and unhealthy associations with sex.
It’s literally not. In fact, some people who do sex work develop an almost therapeutic relationship with their clients, since the intimate environment promotes emotional sharing.
It’s literally one of the oldest professions of human society, and the stigma against it is entirely rooted in puritanical religious attitudes, which have been proven to be antithetical to healthy relationships, if not actively promoting abuse.
Yeah, you’re talking out of your ass.
You need to actually research this topic instead of believing conservative talking points about the sex work industry.
No you’re right. They don’t have extremely high rates of being sexually assau…
45 to 75 percent.
And this isn’t exactly a conservative source. Turns out the people playing for sex aren’t always the greatest people.
Wouldn’t this kind of be like drug addicts telling children why drugs are bad?
Very few ways to better learn why something is right than far reaching consequences for doing it wrong.
More like a drug dealer telling children why drugs are bad. (The role analogous to the drug addict would be the prostitute’s client.)
And, frankly, that’s not a bad idea either.
To be fair, throughout history most marriage have been completely transactional.
The idea that a marriage should be based on romantic love is a new concept that would have been seen as unhealthy throughout most of human history
Victim blaming. Wow.
They are experts in the industry and it’s not a justification. If it was your justification I’ll just let your next doctor know that you don’t want a lecture by an expert in the field but someone else entirely. I’ll just grab today’s horoscope. Holdup.
Legalize prostitution and get rid of the stigma. It being illegal only hurts the women (mostly) in the long run. With legalization you could get rid of a lot of abuse and make it easy for these women to come forward if there is abuse. I think it would also make underage trafficking harder if prostitution was legalized.
I think we’re a long way from that, but one can hope for society.
Hurting women is the point. By keeping some people’s primary form of income illegal they can be superexploited, just like undocumented migrant workers. It’s no coincidence that they’re also similarly at risk of kidnapping, trafficking, and violence. No work insurance, no safety net, no legal protection, no rights, no dignity, and if you get caught you are the one that gets punished instead of the people who exploit you.
Conservatives need prostitution to be illegal. If anybody with some cash could go out and get laid then the right would quickly run out of incels to recruit.
Also, sometimes prostitution SAVES marriages. Sometimes the wife likes her husband, but she just doesn’t want to have sex. Or vice versa.
I don’t think hurting women is the point, more like a bonus or icing on the cake.
The point is to maintain a facade that our culture is ‘above’ such kind of behavior, even though everyone with a brain knows it’s not.
Same kind of sentiment that allows Christians/Catholics to have sex out of wedlock but still think they’re ‘holier than’ everyone else who does the same.
It’s all just hypocrisy and insecurity.
We do not need to legalize it to get rid of the stigma. Spreading and calling out stories like this for the dreadful, inhumane, closeminded bullshit that they are is how we get rid of the stigma.
You think it’s possible for something to be a crime and not be stigmatized?
Cheating on taxes is a crime, but in certain circles it’s nit stigmatized.
The same goes for ignoring the speed limit in other circles.
A desperate mother shoplifting to feed her child would probably get compassion from many.
On a side note, it is also possible for something to be a crime and not be punished. It is a way for a society to condemn something, but acknowledge that is just necessary under certain conditions.
(Some countries use this trick for contentious topics like abortion and, yes, prostitution.)
I think removing the stigma is the best pathway towards decriminalization.
Yes; smoking weed. Jaywalking. Drinking during prohibition.
A crime is what the law says will be punished, but the law isn’t moral.
Would brothels be allowed to participate in job placement programs at career day in high schools ?
No but these absurd questions show up faster and faster as the government legitimizes sex work.
And so do trafficked immigrants who are kidnapped and coerced into the sex work industry by people threatening to kill their family while using Facebook Live standing in front of that family’s home back in their country of birth.
That shit has been happening for a decade. And it is why lots of the liberal western European countries have curtailed their red light districts.
There is no way to save those people without destroying privacy.
https://reddthat.com/post/8968028 - “European Parliament rejects mass scanning of private messages”
The only problem that I have with legalizing prostitution is that it requires the government enact sane protections and oversight for them. I do not trust the US government to ever do anything for real people, so I believe it would just lead to different abuses.
Including courts, social security and meat inspectors. Welcome to anarchy.
/s, since on internet it is not clear.
Very well you don’t trust the government. Can you detail to me how you use this in real life? For example do you conduct your own water testing and inspect the watersheds around waste water treatment plants? Do you take your electronics and subject them to FCC type testing for safety and non-interference? Do you perform your own bacteria culture tests on all food prior to eating?
The government is far from perfect but it can in general regulate industry when the legislative branch allows it too.
Ok, I’m curious. What kind of abuse are you imagining that could possibly be worse than the status quo?
To cut back on the hyperbole that you’re receiving for your comment: Even badly managed oversight would be better than none at all.
Amazon warehouse workers are being exploited brutally in a system that needs fixing, but there’s much less trafficking and violent coercion involved.
Sex work is work. This woman did nothing wrong. Fuck the puritans who fired her.
Fuck the puritans who fired her.
Ironically, there’s a chance that she may have been doing just that.
My money’s on a petulant john outing her after recognizing her from their kids school.
You joke, but I knew a woman who danced at a strip club to get extra money for herself and school supplies who got fired after a student’s dad saw her dancing
Sex work is work.
Do you believe that every sort of work in the world should be 100% legal? All of it?
Obviously she should have joined the military and shot brown kids instead.
That’s not how logic or reasoning works. They said sex work is work, they said literally nothing else about any other kind of work.
Come on dude, that’s like the most boring fallacy ever.
Regardless of the fact that there’s no way many of her students will be mature enough to handle this information without being disruptive, there’s a difference between supporting life decisions and accepting them.
Like the difference between fatphobia and supporting healthy lifestyles, right? One is cruelty, the other is not supporting bad habits.
Same with prostitution, it’s one thing to not oppress sex workers, it’s another to tell kids to become sex workers. Hopefully she’s not doing that but is normalizing the profession really what you want around teenagers?
No parent wants to find out their kid started turning tricks because Ms Smith seemed cool.
Especially when her “Ways to Spot A Dangerous John” course wasn’t approved by the principal.
Why would you assume she was “promoting sex work” instead just teaching kids “normal” sex ed? That’s a very strong assumption, and the article says nothing about that. Do you have an alternative information source that says otherwise?
Her existence as a teacher is tacit approval of her side gig by the school. Her existence in the classroom promotes it as a viable career.
There’s always a fine line to tread by institutions in charge of minors between trusting your kids to be mature enough to handle things like this and knowing how vulnerable they are to making poorly thought out decisions.
I wouldn’t want a prostitute teaching classes on sex ed, and I wouldn’t want a drug dealer teaching chemistry, and just to be clear, I use drugs and have used prostitutes.
I just didn’t do it and won’t support it around people whose brains are literally unfinished.
Active shooter drills? Super chill.
Woman had sex? Mind blown and values changed forever!
I wish you could see how you sound.
Some people view sex as something intrinsically beyond the purely transactional, and for those people it’s immoral to treat sexual intercourse as a commodity. I’m somewhat undecided, but it does seem a bit like the final frontier of neoliberalism.
Especially when her “Ways to Spot A Dangerous John” course wasn’t approved by the principal.
It’s always a sign that you have a great argument when you straight up make up facts.
Seriously. This is a human being we’re talking about, who’s now lost her livelihood, and will possibly need to resort to prostitution again to make a living because of it.
It is massively naive to think that zero of the people who are students right now will ever do sex work at some point in the future. Some of them definitely will. Even if you don’t agree that sex work is valid and honorable work (which you clearly don’t agree with) there’s no way to stop people from doing it despite how vilified or illegal it is in any society.
Given that reality, a course teaching people how to avoid the dangerous elements of a job that some of those people will eventually do, sounds like a great course. Having a sex worker who knows WTF she’s talking about teach it? That’s fucking amazing.
I paid for my teaching degree by working as a prostitute. Prostitutes aren’t extra horny degenerates or something, they’re just folks trying to survive. I’d probably be a better teacher if I could still do it, because I could cut back the hours at my second job 🤷♂️
Seems like we hold teachers to higher standards than CEOs and politicians, for less money than a Walmart GM makes…
More like hold women to stricter standards than men.
Men can and are celebrated for being absolute sluts. Hell, its actively encouraged in most spaces.
Woman sleeps with more than 2 people and an inordinate amount of people will look down upon her and say all kinds of horrific things.
Doesn’t this ironically make her more qualified?