A Kentucky woman Friday filed an emergency class-action lawsuit, asking a Jefferson County judge to allow her to terminate her pregnancy. It’s the first lawsuit of its kind in Kentucky since the state banned nearly all abortions in 2022 and one of the only times nationwide since before Roe v. Wade in 1973 that an adult woman has asked a court to intervene on her behalf and allow her to get an abortion.
It is deeply upsetting that this is where we are at in the U.S. That said, I hope she kicks their ass in court.
Pregnancy comes with medical risk to the mother. Restricting abortion access is a clear violation of the 14th amendment.
Abortion is healthcare.
Keep in mind, the main reason why your camp uses this rhetoric is because you want to tie abortion rights to the constitution. That way, it becomes mandatory for all states to respect them.
Bodily autonomy enshrined in a nation’s most important document? Yeah that sounds pretty good.
Enshrining it is fine. But taking a weak stance to link it to an amendment that never had it in mind, well, opens you up for its interpretation to get overturned.
Exposing bad-faith arguments on both sides.
Neither of you are above tribalism or hypocrisy and should be criticized as such.
The ability to remove stuff from your body seems pretty damn important, though. Infected wisdom teeth, fatty tissue removal, cysts, appendixes infected or not…there’s very good reasons why someone might want to be able to remove something from their body. Seems un-American to infringe on someone’s rights.
That’s fair. I think the other side is arguing any angle that will put the power to legislate back into the hands of states.
The other side thinks abortion is not a right.
Your side wants it to be a right so states can’t decide for themselves.
As the constitution is written right now, tying abortion to an amendment is a stretch. This is why the ruling that gave constitutional protection of abortion was overturned.
The only good faith argument I’ve seen is that democrats should’ve tried harder to explicitly add it to the constitution. That way they don’t have to contort the interpretation of amendments to suit their agenda.
But, as tribalists go, it’s okay when your tribe does it (14th amendment) but bad when other tribes do it (2nd amendment.) And the worst people of all are the ones who call it out.
I mean, “other people” also comes as a health risk. This by itself is not an argument.
And if I interact with you the state doesn’t try to deny me medical treatment for whatever condition you gave me.
Sadly even that isn’t true anymore. Someone I used to work with died recently of an unknown upper respiratory infection after being turned away by his local hospital 3 times. He eventually coughed until something ruptured and he died due to internal bleeding.
He had a decent paying job with health insurance and likely contracted his infection at work, yet he was denied admission to the hospital for some reasons that his widow and daughter may only find out with a lengthy court battle they can’t afford.
Welcome to the dystopia, it’s just getting started.
Democrats had fifty freaking years to get something on the books and they did nothing. Shove it into a must pass bill. Fifty years of “it’s decided by the courts, no reason to go further” attitude.
Republicans will literally legalize hunting gay people for sport and the white left is still gonna find a way to make it the Dems’ fault
No, its on the republicans for making it legal to hunt gay people for sport.
Literally nobody but white leftists thinks like this, and I’m 99% sure even the white leftists don’t actually think like this, they just don’t want to have to stop their cosplay as allies because everyone else sees their priv butts using this kind of thinking as an excuse to let Republicans win elections.
I want to hear which several years you believe the Democrats could have done anything totally unobstructed and with zero resistance. From when to when?
Lemme put it this way. If Democrats choose to let Republicans hunt gay people for sport, after they’ve had decades to type some words on a piece of paper that would prevent it, the Democrats are partially to blame when they do.
Why would you defend people who’ve not only not done shit to defend you, but have actively made it easier for you to be in danger?
Please, enlighten me if I’m wrong. Don’t just downvote and insult me. Is there a good reason why Roe V Wade wasn’t codified? Are y’all just upset to see reminders that the Democratic party isn’t flawless?
Priv the only one making it easier for me to be in danger is you and your ilk letting the Republicans back into power so damn often because “i WaNt To VoTe FoR sOmEoNe!”
Bush won because y’all flocked to nader, and then Trump won because y’all did it again with Stein.
All this accusation of doing nothing and being an active hindrance rings pretty fucking hollow when people like you have to be dragged kicking screaming ans fighting the whole way just to vote for our safety.
Y’all want the aesthetic of guillotines and pride marches with none of the work of being at the polls and being on your representatives.
I mean, being the lesser-evil doesn’t make you good or free from criticism. Lol.
Maybe dems should elect better reps! Then we wouldn’t be in this situation.
That still won’t matter as long as conservatives constantly have a majority in congress
Roe was “something on the books”, sunshine. Until Trump stacked the Supreme Court there wasn’t a need to put anything into law.
And democrats were warned time and time again to codify it into law and not just leave it as a court case.
At what point in the last 50 years did Democrats have a majority of pro-choice congresspeople with a president who wouldn’t veto such a bill? Because I’m close to 50 and I don’t remember when that was.
Remember when Obama care got passed? I think we had the votes at that time
Nope. We had exactly 60 votes, and that included moderates who shot down further left provisions of Obamacare like single payer. If not for them, we’d have gotten it.
It’s also very noteworthy that Democrats were a lot more conservative back then – or rather, there were a lot more Manchin types in the party. I don’t think there were even 50 pro abortion Senate votes, frankly. It’s really understated how Democrats have shifted left since Obama, as a product of losing those Manchin seats and only keeping solid blue ones.
It was on the books!
It was already decided at the Scotus level.
Stare decisis should have applied and Scotus shouldn’t have even heard the case under precedent.
The idea that a constitutional amendment needs to be made for something to be “on the books” is absurd.
What happened here is Scotus broke their own rules. They ignored the 9th and the 14th and violated their own principles.
This court is corrupt. Several justices should be impeached and removed.
Roe was settled case law. Pretending it wasn’t is a joke.
I wish it was far more common knowledge that SCOTUS doesn’t just ignore the 9th amendment, they flagrantly violate it. The amendment says they a right does not need to be explicitly mentioned to be protected – which makes a lot of sense when you think back on American history, because opponents of the Constitution felt that only our enumerated rights were protected and no other freedoms. Hence, why the 9th was made.
The actual text goes further and says that the explicit enumeration of rights in the Constitution should not be used to disparage or forbid our other rights. This is exactly what SCOTUS disobeys, because the “a right must be guaranteed by an amendment” philosophy they’ve adopted for abortion flies in the face of that.
Kentucky woman sues state over abortion ban so she can terminate her pregnancy murder her child.
There, fixed that for you.
Probably serious, but it’s funny watching him use the same tactic I see in just about every thread.
“Headline should be what supports my agenda.”
There. Fixed it for you.
hey fuck you too, you’re the other person arguing against reproductive rights and that’s all i know about you!
What about this woman?
Fuck all the way off, asshole.
Maybe it’s not the murder you should be making peace with but the idea of all the suffering caused by not having the abortion of a nonviable fetus. People ask What right do we have to end it? Wrong question. What right do we have to force such a thing upon another human? And all anyone is asking you to do is make peace with yourself so another does not suffer. See it as mercy.
Even The Bible says that life begins at first breath, so nope. Not murder.
Scientifically the fetus is a parasite right up until it isn’t, and as long as it cannot live without its mother, it’s not alive. You cannot murder that which was never alive.
So your argument is that tapeworms, vampire bats, mistletoe, and a significant percentage of mushrooms aren’t alive?
There are excellent arguments for abortion access, so FFS please drop this one. It’s counterproductive.
You’re a hypocrite and a liar.
Let me tell you why: Infant mortality (live births that died under 1 year of age) in the US rose by 3% in 2022, increasing for the first time in 20 years from 5.44 per 1000 live births in 2021 to 5.60. (data from the CDC)
Comparing with Europe, you let almost twice of your babies die.
I’m talking about real babies here, babies whose fathers have held them in their arms, changed their diapers, sang them lullabies… And you let them die.
Why is infant mortality in the US the highest of any industrialised nation?
Two reasons: because maternity care in the US is utterly appalling, and because you limit access to abortion. Read more.
You don’t care about children. You care about controlling women. Land of the free allright…
Sorry Christian blood god needs blood.