They exploited the communication feature and are basically acting as one huge server wide guild of jobless arseholes having nothing better to do than ruining the fun for everyone else all day long.
Not a fan of this unit. They do nothing for ages and then when you’ve forgotten they’re there they hit a technological singularity out of nowhere and take out most of the ecosystem along with themselves.
They did ban dinosaurs for the same reason before tho. Humans will probably be next. Hold on, didn’t they announce that already?
Humams are also an invasive species out of its original ecological niche. They were supposed to stay in Africa with the hyenas, cocodriles and lions keeping them in check.
Once humans learned to throw sharp sticks and not venture too far alone the threat of any predators is greatly diminished. The moment any kind of civilization formed there’s no amount of hyenas and Crocs and lions that could keep humans in check. I doubt the civilizations of ancient Nubia lived in fear of predators.
humanity basically started by gaming the system. maybe it’s just our nature to lie and cheat and worm our way into position and out of consequence. maybe corruption is just what we’re best at.
I think any creature evolved through competition and natural selection will end up this way.
Lying, killing, stealing, loving, building community, etc. are advantageous to survival at different times and in different situations. Seems the best survival tactic for us was to just keep improving and blending these.
We are at the point in our development where a lot of them don’t fit as well anymore. But they won’t go anywhere unless they impact mating success or stop being passed down for genetic reason.