110 points
I’m sorry, wtf!!! A gallon of paint??? Please OP, that’s ridiculous. We use metric here in Japan, it’s 4 liters of paint. Do some research and get it right next time!
59 points
Finnish breakfast:
Coffee, vodka and a cigarette.
19 points
9 points
6 points
13 points
4 points
5 points
43 points
Common misconception, but the towel dipped in mayonaise (often paired with a well aged Trapist) is very typical for a Belgian breakfast, not the Germans.
14 points
7 points
30 points
This is clearly out of date. The traditional UK breakfast now is nothing because inflation means I can only afford 1.5 meals a day.
17 points
14 points
9 points
3 points
1 point
1 point
20 points
France: coffee and nicotine cancer sticks
6 points