Don’t drink anymore, but a walk under the starlight used to be my fav. And if you’ve got a long walk home you’re basically sober by the time you show up
I got pretty wasted in the woods once together with some friends while grilling and staring at the stars. That was epic.
I have no clue how I got home though. That’s a two to three hour walk when sober, and I was drunk enough to only remember the first half hour of it.
But now I drink maybe twice a year, and very little. The stars look nice even when sober. And on Monday weed was legalized here, that’s more like it for me nowadays.
Yeah, I pretty much completely stopped drinking after weed was legalized.
I just bought a bunch of seeds. That feels so surreal. This weekend I’ll buy snacks and fly to space, and it’ll be legal.
one time I blacked out and woke up to a spotlessly clean kitchen and a loaf of perfectly baked rosemary bread. I didn’t even have rosemary
They missed the “Drunk me keeps buying sober me presents from the Internet”.
I’m the “guess I’m crying now” kind of drunk.
You pair great with the journey into the woods fellow. An adventure will cure what ails ya.
I get to have the novel experience of ✨being tired✨ whenever I get drunk