Some day we will be able to vote for a political party that represents our bodily autonomy to put what drugs we want in our own body.
Even alcohol.
We already have that autonomy when it comes to alcohol. We are not, however, as autonomous when it comes to the reactions of other people to our autonomous behaviour when under the influence of alcohol. Or any other drug for that matter.
And their reaction’s existence within the law is immaterial.
That is, if you do whatever the f–k you want, don’t be surprised when other people do whatever the f–k they want when they react to whatever the f–k it is you’re doing.
If you’re lucky, they’ll complement (possibly also compliment, but complement is intended) what you’re doing.
If not, expect pain.
What about the ones who get belligerent, try to fight the cops that get called than puke on the cops as they’re being arrested?
No, I hate everyone guy hangs out with the cat or dog, Uncle Cletus throws fists with the cops.
I’ve never had enough alcohol to become drunk, just slightly tipsy at best, but I always assumed it would make me sleepy.
Then there is me, alone in the basement, surrounded by 270 empty beer cans about to open my last 30 case of Bush light.
Bullshit. Lost for a month? Not happening. I’d love to read an article about this totally not made up story.