I’m doing a blend of Kona from a local store and whole food Kenya. It’s a 70/30 of Kenya to Kona and taste great. The Kona alone I got taste and looks like really dark soil after a brew, so I picked a lite roast to see how it would go and I’m happy.
I haven’t had too many Kenya coffees, but if you have a whole foods nearby this one tastes good to me.
Benchwarmer Brew from one of my favorite YouTubers, Brandon Perna of ThatsGoodSports.
Wegmans Ethiopian beans. Under $0.80 an ounce and delicious as iced coffee!
I’ve been drinking a Colombia I roasted at work on our Bullet roaster. Being able to roast green that I purchased for myself on that little machine brings me back to my early home roasting days. Otherwise I drink whatever’s brewed at work that I roasted on our two Loring machines.
I work in a café, so I usually drink what we have for espresso which is a medium-dark roast from Barista in Montréal
At home, I currently have a bag of medium roast blend from a local roaster, nothing fancy. I’ve been on a French press kick recently, and it does the job.
sorry to say i never came across a kona worth its price
Yeah, I’m not sure I want to get another bag for a while. It tastes like I’m drinking burnt dirt runoff lol I think my garden likes it however. It’s fine, I’m mixing it in and making something that tastes good.
I was just gifted a bag of Domain Kona and thought it was excellent. Admittedly I’m new to better coffee so my palette may not be as refined as other people’s, but I haven’t had anything better yet. This stuff is very pricey so I’m searching for some middle ground, but I would treat myself to this again.