I’m doing a blend of Kona from a local store and whole food Kenya. It’s a 70/30 of Kenya to Kona and taste great. The Kona alone I got taste and looks like really dark soil after a brew, so I picked a lite roast to see how it would go and I’m happy.
I haven’t had too many Kenya coffees, but if you have a whole foods nearby this one tastes good to me.
Rio Grande Roasters vanilla hazelnut. I love these beans so much. The piñon is also really good! Very chocolatey and smooth.
Someone else on here - might’ve been you - turned me on to them and now I’ve been alternating between Pinon and Chocolate Pinon. So tasty!
Benchwarmer Brew from one of my favorite YouTubers, Brandon Perna of ThatsGoodSports.
sorry to say i never came across a kona worth its price
Yeah, I’m not sure I want to get another bag for a while. It tastes like I’m drinking burnt dirt runoff lol I think my garden likes it however. It’s fine, I’m mixing it in and making something that tastes good.
I was just gifted a bag of Domain Kona and thought it was excellent. Admittedly I’m new to better coffee so my palette may not be as refined as other people’s, but I haven’t had anything better yet. This stuff is very pricey so I’m searching for some middle ground, but I would treat myself to this again.
Dunkin original as usual.
happy cup, the buzz. pour over