Ver- words are often green because of Latin. “Verde” in Italian, “Vert” in French, “Verdant” in English
Vermillion is such a pretty word to mean worm colored…
I guess a worm can be cute if you give it a bow to wear.
But worms are brown.
Actually worms are transparent but they eat dirt, so they’re brown.
Probably because it’s similar to verde
naw, its the french poisoning your mind
green in french is vert
For those of us in the US, we’re more likely to encounter the Spanish “verde.”
Given most of the US population lives between Massachusetts and Florida (so would likely have more of French exposure via English and history) , and the French influence in lots of English, it’s a toss up.
I certainly learned the French vert long before the Spanish verde.
You’re telling me you never encountered salsa verde before learning the French word “vert”? Even if true, I highly doubt that’s the norm.
And I’m not sure why you think being on the East Coast matters. 13% of Americans speak Spanish at home, less than 0.4% speak French or Cajun at home. That’s a ridiculously huge region you’ve cited that includes NYC where you’re probably going to visit a bodega long before you learn “vert” and Florida which has major Spanish influence, just like the other two most populous states California and Texas. I live about 100 miles from the Canadian border in the west, so by your geographic argument I should encounter more French than Spanish, but Spanish exposure is way more common here.
No mention of viridian, a blueish green, in these comments, I see.
My favourite letter is V. This is likely as a result of one of my favourite childhood games; VVVVVV. Main protagonist?
Captain Viridian.
I could never forget about the existence of the best alternative to turquoise.
Childhood? Surely not, VVVVVV came out in 2010. That was basically yesterday.
Veridian Dynamics we can even make radishes so spicy that people can’t eat them, but we’re not because people can’t eat them, Veridian Dynamics, Food. Yum.
Spelled different, but seemed relevant.
colorblind people are like, “yeah, totally.”