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This is a huge thing, Jesus lol

Are they trying to start a world war? I feel like we’re already pretty close and this is just another step


The security concern is understandable and we should take necessary measures and keep important things between trusted people in real life, but we need to be honest with ourselves that we are under surveillance at all times anyways.

We’ve expressed more than communist sympathies online and in real life. We are high on the watch list (that literally everyone is on anyways).

Organizing definitely has pig and fed supervision and even infiltration. You should assume there is someone untrustworthy around you at all times.

But this does not mean we stop organizing, or slow down, or cower. If we have this weird pursuit of perfect privacy, we will do absolutely nothing. Because it doesn’t exist.

At some point we need to break through this fear of “getting got” because of bad security and recognize that it doesn’t take anything for the feds and pigs to do terrible things anyways. If you’re actually organizing in real life, if you’re actually active, you’re eventually going to need to be clear on your goals. And that right there blows your “security”.

If we are too scared to put ourselves in ANY amount of danger just through supervision, how do you expect us to actually carry a revolution forward?

I’d ask you all to consider the concept of revolutionary suicide, or at the very least, revolutionary sacrifice. It’s true, engaging in this may lead us to prison or death. And no amount of security is going to prevent that from happening when the going gets going. Is that worth it to you? Do you have the drive to live a life free that is so strong you’d give up everything for it? I say this not as a finger pointing or “you’re weak” thing, but a genuine question. I don’t blame you if the answer is no.

Once again, before I get crucified, I am not advocating against basic security measures to filter out feds and keep classified information in the hands of trusted people. I am pushing back at the overall theme I see specifically with online lefties that prioritizes security so heavily that we can’t share our names or general locations with these established orgs as if the feds don’t have this already. I’m pushing back against the overwhelming fear some people seem to have (justifiably) because we don’t need that right now. We need resistance. And that is dangerous.


Should make the hat of this cartoon the green bandana haha


Precisely. Palestinian revolutionaries don’t give a fuck what these dumbass westoids think. You don’t get to oppress them and then police how they resist.


Literally yes.

It’s also ridiculous to me to separate the resistance movement from the people. Like okay you support the Palestinians when they’re oppressed but when they get brave and start fighting back it’s “whoa whoa this is NAWT okay bro” fuck outta here.

These people are not about it. The silver lining in all of this is seeing who’s really down for revolution and who understands what that means and who is not.


Lmao how pathetic lying about being a chud.

The rabid devotion to killing people for taking some cheap shit at a store in the middle of a crisis will never cease to amaze me


Noo you OWE the Democrats your vote to prevent FASCISM and if you DON’T vote for us you actually are to blame for the further oppression of your people (which will happen under us, too)

If you don’t vote for this shitty party then the other one will make things even worse and also you have no other choice and also we are the greatest democracy the world has ever seen and also skill issue bootstraps you can’t shoot your way to liberation!!!

  • signed with my totally anti-racist condolences, thoughts, and prayers, the liberal state

Fair enough, I guess.

But realistically we’ve done enough online already to be high up on the watch list. Might as well do something about it while you’ve got the chance.


I guess you’re right, yeah.

Seems like it’s… by design perhaps? Lol

But fr it’s our duty to resist that doom shit. Things are horrible and will be for some time, yes. Collapse is likely. But! There’s always a but. We can do something about it. You’re trippin if you think they don’t want us to be hopeless. That’s how colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, all the evil -isms thrive.


Exactly lol it’s always like “wait he’s spitting facts” then he has to eat babies or something to make sure we know those crazy tankies are out for blood
