
impartial_fanboy [he/him]

1 posts • 56 comments
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I got a couple.

  1. Socialists/Communists would be much better off studying modern sciences/engineering than reading political theory.
  2. No one has a solution for how to deal with nukes (particularly ballistic/hypersonic missiles) in a revolutionary situation. Shouldn’t have to point out why that’s a problem.
  3. Ignoring the military or demonizing those who are/were in it (despite obviously being morally correct) is recipe for suicide.
  4. Any party that is organized around any of the various Bolshevik party forms in the year 2023 is just larping. Especially if they keep the faction ban.
  • Metroid Prime 2 or Fusion, can’t decide
  • FFX
  • Guild Wars 1
  • Kotor 2
  • Subnautica
  • Tiberian Sun
  • Warcraft 3
  • Civilization 4
  • Roller Coaster Tycoon

Still haven’t played Disco Elysium, pretty sure I bought it day one just haven’t played it for whatever reason.


Well Vegas is getting a high speed train too, but (un)fortunately you won’t be able to see the sphere from it. It also has a ‘cathedral’. Before the sphere opened they were planning on building one in London too (and maybe Singapore? I forget) so there will probably be more.

But they still refuse to build a subway on or pedestrianize Las Vegas Boulevard, supposedly they’re building a whole giant BoringTM tunnel network but somehow I doubt it’ll happen.


If you want to pedestrianize it, then every casino along it will have to reroute whatever roads through their property to the roads behind them.

The casinos on the strip already all have back/off-street entrances, it’s where most of the parking is. You’d still allow east/west traffic on the major roads like Flamingo and Tropicana, and if they really want to keep those front entrances they could retrofit them to run trams up to them. They could even have a different tacky tram for each hotel or something.

If they’re super concerned about losing the ‘freedom’ to drive down the strip then they could have select hours where they open it to (some) cars like how they periodically close it for pedestrians now for things like New Years and whatnot.


terrorist infrastructure

Oh that’s a good term, really invalidates anything Hamas tries to do.

  • Build a factory to make rockets? Obviously terrorist infrastructure.
  • Build a power station to supply a hospital? They’re hiding the rockets from the rocket factory in it, terrorist infrastructure.
  • Pour asphalt for a road? They’re just making it easier for their trucks to transport the rockets from the rocket factory.
  • Put up some drywall? Well duh, they’re trying to hide the rockets from the rocket factory that totally exists behind this unassuming wall that couldn’t possibly have any other function, terrorist infrastructure.

It’s just so versatile. Somehow I doubt if we started calling everything imperialist infrastructure that the media would be quite so accommodating despite it fitting the description much more aptly.


The whole trans sports thing came up but fortunately they’re not super confrontational so I just rattled off some stats, the line about how no one cared about women’s sports before this and if you really care that much about fairness you gotta ban people like Michael Phelps too. They stopped after that, for now anyways.

Not sure who it’s from but there’s a new talking point about food not being as nutritious as it used to be but in like a conspiratorial way not cus the soil is degrading from industrial agriculture way.


Oh yeah but not that kind of conspiracy. They meant it more in a Q adjacent way.


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not but regardless, just the one about athletic performance being statistically equivalent for trans women (or maybe even worse) after 2 years of HRT as cis women. And the most important one about the lack of trans women dominating women’s sports (either in total or as a percentage of trans athletes), which one would expect to happen if there were a real advantage.


I suppose it depends on your definition of conspiracy but yeah it’s to decrease turnover time.
