

20 posts • 419 comments

Sorry, book broke

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Normally I’d say fuck Nintendo but palworld obviously stole the designs and artistic direction for many of their characters.

Most of the pals I saw at first were modified versions of an already existant pokemon with little to seperate it from fan art of that pokemon. This is particularly agregoous as they clashed against the rest of this games aesthetic. Nothing that was original fit with the design of the pokemon rip offs.

Many other games have a pokemon esque aesthetic without direct copying. It looking similar is not my issue. My issue is that while playing I could easily name most pals to a pokemon. Seriously, look up comparisons. It’s blatant.

They’ve moved away from thisbrecently but fuck man if it ain’t obvious. If they did the same to some small project I’d assume people would be much more up in arms, rightfully so.

Still though, I won’t cry if Nintendo loses. I hope they pay an insane amount in lawyers fees either way and never see a dime out of the case


Yeah don’t worry about it too much. Ensure you have the correct name when installing your library but that’s about all you can do personally.

Any other solution will have some security flaws. NPM has a few more than it should but essentially the entire web is built around it. Sorry man, you don’t have any other choices.

How to use it properly? Any npm tutorial will show you quickly. Always check you’ve got the right thing, always check the library is large enough that if something goes wrong it’ll be noticed, and know there’s no way to be completely safe without never using libraries.

If you’re learning the web though there’s no way to avoid npm.


My father has the ability to make shirts with his cricut, and seperatly a sublimation printer.

What I’m saying is that I’ll soon be the first, and only, owner of a pirated Lemmy t-shirt.


Nah I’ll admit it, I was entirely wrong in thinking Biden should stay in the race. Though I could say I was worried another person than kamala would take their place I had essentially no faith in her ability at the time either.

Now look at where we are. Finally, some good fucking hopium. I’m very glad to be wrong


Edit: these suggestions are last resort type stuff tbf, hope the guys in the other thread are more help. Looks like someone suggested session restore w/ kde which makes alot of sense.

Ok that’s increadibly weird. Here’s some places I’d look.

I’d start looking in environment files such as ~/.bash_profile, .~/.profile, /etc/environment, /etc/profile and a few others. Maybe there’s a call to the application in one of these files?

Secondly, I’d attempt to write a bash script to walk a directory tree, cat out files, pipe it through grep and get every instance where VirtualBox is mentioned in a file. Trying the name of proccess, or of the executable too.

I have a snippet that may help, by replacing that bash script:
grep -Rinw '~/path/to/start/' -e 'VirtualBoxOrSmthngElse'

all credit to this answer on SO:

Head there to see how to try and wittle down the matches. I’d start in a etc, ignore binary files with grep, and try everywere systematically

This is likely overkill lol. If you’re on xorg maybe there’s something in the file xorg uses for init? Can’t remember the name personally but I used it to start up some processes before on system boot quite a while ago


Oh shit I see. I think the joke is that you only get some of the security updates if you pay for ubuntu pro. Ransom as in “Be a shame if you were insecure there little buddy, we can help with that. For a price”

Yeah I don’t know enough about that personally to make a judgment


You do make some good points on it being terminalside, you’ve partially changed my mind there. I see the value now.

Also, you would be correct anything that allowed collapsing commands would be trivial to implement some sort of action per command and it’s output. Along with collapsing being easiest to do terminalside.

What I would love to see is a terminal that builds it’s own shell from scratch too rejecting the ancient ideas we have with bash. I still love bash but I’m curious what could come of it.

As for their luddite status their reply to my previous comment seems to show them to be a bit more open

Seriously though thanks for the good conversation and thought excersize


Konsole can display images, as can kitty, alacritty, western, iterm2, etc. There’s quite a few formats to do so dating back decades. This isn’t new.

As for collapsing a command and it’s output that’s nice, but it’s not exactly game changing.

Lastly, searching explicitly your last command for a term with context would be much better suited to the shell to solve as it’d be terminal independent. Wouldn’t surprise me if under the hood it’s a bash script that takes whatever input you pass to bash, execs it, pipes stdout to tee, which passes it to a text file storing output and the console’s output too. Of course, you can always pipe it to fzf for a live grep with context if you have it set up right and remember to do so

I would agree just denying any advancements in favor of the “good ole way” is idiotic but nothing I’ve seen or that you’ve listed convinces me these are major advancements. Nor are these anything that couldn’t be solved at the shells level or with supplementary applications. Nice to have, if it weren’t electron or closed I would switch, but nothing groundbreaking

I doubt they’re outright rejecting any idea of progress. They’re likely just not convinced by what the fancy options offer


Hell yeah, now that it finally works with Wayland on nvidia with explicit sync being added to the 555 drivers it’s been great for me


Dumbass is paying for my assassimation. Free is free
