Trump and Vance are bullies. The kind of damage this will do to the PR of the USA is incalculable.
Will there be anymore goodwill for the USA?
I mean, if the position of the country can change to such an insane degree by the results of a single election cycle then a lot of that goodwill that was given prior, should be examined.
How much longer before the US loses the hegemony of the dollar as a reserve currency do you think?
That’s the sad fact of the matter. Trump and Vance and Elon and the rest of the administration are a fucking catastrophe, yes. But what is even worse than that, what is even more damaging for the long term viability of diplomacy, of international relations and governance, is that even when these clowns are gone, it can happen again.
Every time another country signs a trade deal, an alliance, a pact, an agreement of any sort with the US, even if the current leadership is absolutely incredible, that can change dramatically on a dime within 4 years. That has always been true, of course, but historically the precedent has been that new administrations are largely consistent in upholding international agreements. But a new precedent has been set, that agreements (aka “sheets” as the dumbass calls them) are worthless, that they can be torn up on a whim, that peace may require you to fluff the ego of a megalomaniac and kiss his feet, that you might have to placate idiocy and bravado and STILL have your economy rocked by asinine trade policies, that the threat of invasion and war could be a negotiation tactic for trade deals…
Countries are going to completely detach themselves from the US in all matters, and they absolutely should. We are going be turned into a North Korea-like state. Cut off from world trade and information, no diplomacy, just a looming threat to the whole world. Fuck me, this shit is bleak.
You’re being too pessimistic. Alliances have always been about being strange bedfellows that’ll stab each other in the back should the proper conditions ever be met.
No matter how kissy-kissy politicians may be in front of a camera, backroom dealing is still the norm. Only the orange guy mistook the backroom with a toilet and so it stinks of shit for everyone to see.
Whatever the end result of this, whoever’s left afterwards will get back to tender intimacies without a hitch.
I think that so many things are going to get fucked up between now and then that we would need a constitutional convention just reweave the threads of our society.
Congress can’t legislate its way out of this mess anymore.
It won’t go so far as being like North Korea. But there are countries out there that don’t get good trade deals because of this exact problem. We will have to pay more for every trade deal we make for the next 30 years because other countries can’t be sure we’ll keep our end of it. It’s just like getting a loan with a bad credit rating. You can still get the loan but the bank is going to demand more compensation because of the risk.
It can happen again? This is “it” happening again. We suffered you guys having a first trump administration, we thought you learned, but you elected him even harder the second time.
I have zero faith that Trump and Vance will do anything that favors ongoing world peace and/or limiting Russian Aggression, instead I believe Trump and Vance will serve their own interest by selling out Ukraine and baking up a scheme that will gain favor of their Russian buddies, who control an amazing amount of wealth for a country with such a high poverty rate.
How long till we send troops into Ukraine? I don’t mean as allies. Reagan is spinning in his grave. (Don’t get me wrong, a grave is where he belongs, but he’d be pretty burned about this)
Trump said one thing thats true, “You’re in a bad position right now, and you don’t have the cards…”, Ukraine doesn’t have the economy to put up a lasting ongoing fight with Russia, especially if they’re getting troop support from North Korea
 I think we should pour every surplus American weapon we have and donated to Ukraine immediately and then we need the pressure people who purchase oil and natural gas for my ran and Russia and forced them into some sort of economic sanction  Then we need to take all the F 35s that we paid billions and billion dollars and development money for and deploy them to the eastern European sector and put up a no fly zone
But, I am just an internet shit poster who got banned from Reddit.
Will there be anymore goodwill for the USA?
As an American, my hopes and prayers are that the World will remember that approximately half of us are being held hostage inside of the clown car, and are being forced to go along for the ride.
Only 22% of the total US population voted for Orange McBurger. Don’t forget that.
Which makes me wonder, what is the breaking point for 78% of Americans, before they start burning it down, and building guillotines in front of ever federal building?
Yeah, but I was quoting that “approximately half of us” number based on multiple polls, over time, and not just voting.
The nation is approximately 45% / 45% / 10%, in their belief systems.
In a very real sense we really are two nations occupying the same landmass.
I don’t know if anyone will remember this, but way back in the ?late 80s?, back before the Internet, there was a TV mini series on ABC, where the Soviet Union invaded America, and won.
And there’s a scene in that movie, at the end, where there’s a couple of Soviet top military persons, and they’re in front of a map of the US, and the US is split into multiple zones, with names like “Homeland”, etc.
Then the one Soviet person askes the other Soviet person about how they will maintain control of the country.
The other Soviet person talks about how the US it’s not just one people, but is just really groups of people, split in different area, divided, so they’ll be easy to control and suppress.
I keep thinking back to that movie, and specifically to that scene, when I see what’s going on today in the world.
About how we’re divided, with everyone just looking out for themselves.
Edit: Here we go. What I described is discussed in the “Climax and resolution” and “The Divided States of America” sections of that article/page.
This is dispicable American apologetics. All those that didn’t vote are equally as guilty. America spoke and it said we are a hateful bigoted and foolish nation. Don’t forget that.
Looking from a country bordering russia, the amount of goodwill towards the US has little weight. We have to carefully consider how and what we can trust. Short term business should be fine, strategic partnerships are more suspect. We need to also play the long game and try to be friends with the people, even if have a fake grin when talking with the government.
I’ll be honest with you guys… my wife and I (Australian) had a three-week holiday to America planned for June which I just cancelled last week because I don’t want to give you a single fucking dollar.
We’re going to Japan now instead.
I don’t blame you, I just hope you all remember that this is being done to us by state actors, chiefly the Russians. We’ve given them the tools to do it with - our freedom of speech and the Internet, but I just hope you understand they are leveraging the stupidest among us to do all of this.
Russians are gonna Russian, but this was done to you by 77 million of your own citizens that voted for the known criminal and traitor, and the millions who didn’t bother to vote at all. And many of them are cheering even today.
Russians have been trying this all over Europe and they can’t get past 30% in France or 20% in Germany.
The tools are the Republicans slashing education for decades so people stay dumb. Mission accomplished, apparently.
We no longer deserve good will, not as a whole.
United we Stand, Divided We Fall.
We’re falling right now. We’re divided, and many of us can’t even speak to our own families any longer. The power of cruelty and stupidity in great numbers can cause untold chaos and destruction.
The United States has, at least for this moment, fallen. Nobody should rely on us as a whole. An internal conflict may be coming at this rate here, and it has the potential to tear us all apart. I hope it doesn’t come to this, but it is what I fear. Things are descending so quickly…
Goodwill? Yes.
But as long as the US political system is as it is and as long it will only flip-flop between democrats and Maga every few years, there can not be any trust anymore.
The US proved to be an unreliable partner.
How can any other country go into any. negotiations with the US without knowing the US can changed what they do at any time?
There is no basis for a deal, anymore.