It’s me sausage actually. And it doesn’t mean no fucks given, rather it is all the same to me.
It cares me dick. (Spanish)
French Canadian: To chalice oneself
“Je m’en caliss”
Tout le monde parle de bite, de marde et de cul, pis nous on est sur des objets de l’église catholique. Faudrait actualiser tout ça. Je propose “J’men passe une crosse” en hommage au battage de couilles de nos cousins français. “J’men pète les gosses” ou “rien a chier” pourrait faire aussi.
In Germany we also have “das geht mir am Arsch vorbei”, which translates to “that goes across my ass”. It’s the more vulgar version of “ist mir wurst” or “it’s sausage to me”
The sausage would then go across your ass? Both kinda referring to a turd?
More fitting would be German “das geht mir am Arsch vorbei” “it passes me by the ass”.
Google Translate puts that as “I don’t care” but I’m guessing that’s not the literal translation