From the generation that made up ten derogatory terms for every race, gender, sexual preference, culture, nationality, and disability.
And then they get real snippy when you say “all words are made up.”
Both are. The first is obviously worse of course lol. Man didn’t realize this would upset so many people. Clearly the first person is worse. The response is also just kind of snarky and annoying.
Agreed, one of those “technically correct but deliberately missing the point” statements. Not sure why you’re so heavily downvoted so I want to explain why I support your statement.
The original statement doesn’t suggest they fail to understand words are constructed for sharing meaning, it asserts that the statements don’t communicate anything useful because the speaker made them up.
The statement is wrong, it needs a response, but “all words are made up” is not a useful response. It’s technically correct but fails to meet the speaker halfway by understanding their position and building towards it. See also: “all lives matter.” Technically correct but not useful, and deliberately avoids trying to understand the speaker’s position.
“Justice sensitivity” as a symptom of a disorder is fucking wild. Like they really said, “This person doesn’t roll over and take all the systemic abuse. We keep telling them it’s a normal amount of abuse but they don’t accept it. This is their problem.”
I absolutely agree, although I wonder if it’s sorta like “hypervigilance”. Vigilance and keen observation are fantastic!
But there’s also a point where it interferes with your life because it’s freaking exhausting and you just can’t…stop…noticing…every…little…thing…
Maybe that’s what they mean, assuming in good faith they’re not being all 1984 about it…
Although it does feel like the mental health “industry” trend of pushing the onus on the individual who, may simply be reacting normally to a completely chaotic, absurd, often bleak environment.
What disorder are you referring to? I tried to look this up, and justice sensitivity just seems to be a personality characteristic. There are also lots of websites talking about its link to ADHD and autism, but AFAIK it’s not a symptom of either.
Hm, looking it up I think you’re right.
I still think it’s kind of wild that we’ve noticed these things are linked to higher “justice sensitivity”, and as a society we still insist that those people are disordered.
Like, maybe there’s a link between having the kind of “disorder” that our hypernormative society punishes for not fitting its far too rigid systems, and being sensitive to injustice.
It’s like breaking someone’s finger and then noting that that person has high “digital sensitivity”. Like no, they have an injury, being sensitive where the injury happened is to be expected, actually.
Sure, although those are still different things, and people won’t receive a diagnosis just because they’re more sensitive to matters of justice.
I completely agree with you that the stigma around psychological disorders (“disorder bad”) isn’t justified. Especially people with conditions like autism or ADHD often just experience the world differently and in ways that would sometimes be beneficial if everyone saw it that way.
The term “disorder” does a poor job at conveying that these conditions often result from peoples’ inability to function in “normal” society, which is not caused by them being “bad” but rather by society making it difficult for them to function as well as they could.
“We didn’t use to have mental issues back then. We had a lot of people drinking themselves to death and stuff but I fail to see any relation here.”
When you’re growing up and most of your (and your cousins’) birthday parties are keggers because it’s nice out and the adults want to party… and it was a common occurrence to wake up on the weekend to have one or more people you may or may not know passed out in the living room… and you have to clear space on the kitchen table to eat breakfast without knocking over any cans, bottles, or ashtrays.
And then you’re older and find out about the other drugs that were being abused by various adults. And eventually siblings and cousins. And you think “man I’m glad I’m not like that.”
And then you’re yet older, at the end of your rope, learning to recognize your own mental illnesses, and seeing those indicators in others.
And then you’re even older and those adults start dying in their 50s and 60s, and some of the other adults are finally being self-reflective and open about what they were dealing with internally and it’s like a game of bingo and your card keeps “winning.”
I went back to my mother
I said I’m crazy ma, help me
She said, I know how it feels son
Cause it runs in the family
- The Who, The Real Me
And then you realize that the years the drugs and alcohol took off of their lives still applies to you, just in the form of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. And, somehow, you feel some relief. You understand why they turned to substances. And so you sit through the funerals, listen to people say “it was too soon,” and say your goodbyes, knowing it won’t be long until next time. You know that one day it will be your turn. But in the meantime, there’s a hamster wheel that needs to spin because line go up. This is life. This is death. This is existence.
Tick tock.