This is generally true. My brother is a musician, and he struggles to find work. I got lucky growing up working on programming projects until 3am for fun, then being interested in database research and later AI research several years before people started paying attention. I think we need a UBI so that the people who don’t want to build stuff can do what they want instead of going into marketing or sales, or anything that’s a net drain or neutral on society.
- Love CS
- Major bank took me with the worst grades possible
Just have the right hobby lmao
That’s… reassuring.
This reminds me of that scene from Fight Club:
“Which bank do you work for?”
“A major one”
Me, freshmen year of college: “I’m going to major in computer engineering - with additional math and physics courses. Capable of designing all sorts of cool stuff, and get paid well”
Me 16 years later: “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, I don’t know what the fuck management wants, I don’t know what the fuck I want to do, but at least I get paid well.”
I’ll never forget my first one on one with the director of my engineering department.
I had been languishing away for a month at this new job trying to get a bearing on what they want from me when thankfully I got an email from the director scheduling a meeting to discuss just that.
It was a major turnaround, I felt like my life was going to finally get a dose of meaning and direction.
During the meeting the director said he needed me to write some software but gave no real specifics on its purpose out loud while he was also writing down notes. At the end of 45 minute meeting, he left his notes, shook my hand and said he looked forward to seeing what I come up with.
I shit you not, this was the “notes” he left for me
Scuse me, I burned ~46k on a culinary arts A.S. degree. 🖖
The world needs moar Neelixes.
Wish I did engineering/tech hardware tho.
Maybe self learning how to fix my own motherboard’s/firmware can happen some day.
Hobby of PC building/self-linux administering for ~20 years…do I know more than some fresh grads? Probably lol…
The grass is always greener I suppose
I did engineering, wish I had done something like culinary arts
After all day engineering, I come home and watch chefs on YouTube and botch their recipes in the kitchen while daydreaming about running a chaotic professional kitchen
Three of our best senior engineers eventually decided to become farmers. One “retired” to be a personal chef.
I’m just saying.
I went for a major that I thought sounded interesting but wasn’t really passionate about, and I figured would have good job options. Then I graduated… during the height of covid.