- Love CS
- Major bank took me with the worst grades possible
Just have the right hobby lmao
That’s… reassuring.
This reminds me of that scene from Fight Club:
“Which bank do you work for?”
“A major one”
“Well what subject did you like best in school?” Is the worst way to choose a major and it’s terrible that college recruiters use it to rope fresh-HS graduates into signing up.
For anyone considering college in the next few years, you should really consider college as a career prep rather than a place to simply learn more. Unless you’ve got the money and support network to just dilly dally for 4+ years, you should be going in knowing 100% what you want to be doing with your life and make sure that courses you’re taking the the connections you make are getting you there.
Easier said than done. At that age, with no professional experience, it is really hard to know what you want to do for the rest of your life.
No it isn’t. People just don’t think about it….like ever. It also requires being honest with yourself which is a too tall order for most.
still gotta work though
Me, freshmen year of college: “I’m going to major in computer engineering - with additional math and physics courses. Capable of designing all sorts of cool stuff, and get paid well”
Me 16 years later: “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, I don’t know what the fuck management wants, I don’t know what the fuck I want to do, but at least I get paid well.”
I’ll never forget my first one on one with the director of my engineering department.
I had been languishing away for a month at this new job trying to get a bearing on what they want from me when thankfully I got an email from the director scheduling a meeting to discuss just that.
It was a major turnaround, I felt like my life was going to finally get a dose of meaning and direction.
During the meeting the director said he needed me to write some software but gave no real specifics on its purpose out loud while he was also writing down notes. At the end of 45 minute meeting, he left his notes, shook my hand and said he looked forward to seeing what I come up with.
I shit you not, this was the “notes” he left for me
Serious - Don’t follow your passion. I did. Went to school for something I was passionate about. Did well and graduated. I got a job in my field. But soon enough, my passion felt like work. My priorities shifted as I aged and I grew to hate what I studied and once fell passionate about.
Find a career path that makes you money. Once you have that money you can make time to dabble in your passion projects and hobbies. Just wanted to add a different perspective to the meme :)
You can do both and people have done for ages. The thing about work is that you need to do it even when you don’t want to, which makes some people resentful. But that’s the difference between a hobby and work. Passion has nothing to do here. There are passionate people who went into a job because of it and won’t trade it for anything.
I agree with what you’re saying. You gotta work even when you don’t feel like it. Being passionate makes it easier to work (in some cases).
Most of us have many different parts of the job, and like certain parts more than others.
A doctor may be passionate about actually solving medical issues but might hate communicating with difficult patients, dealing with paperwork and recordkeeping software, dealing with insurance companies, marketing his practice, managing staff, etc.
Programmers may actually love coding but hate dealing with customer requirements, or the office politics of sales versus delivery, or even the way their team is run.
It’s like that everywhere. If anyone is only able to do work they’re passionate about, that person is gonna have a rough career.
Never follow the money. Never follow the money. Nothing is worse than having your soul sucked out of you hour by hour because you wanted to “follow the money.”
I’m sick and tired of this Reddit-ass kind of “advice” meant only for neurotypical white men. Male defaultism is one of many things we should not import here.
the thing about having your soul-sucked is that you can bounce back and recover. and let me tell ya, it’s a whole lot easier to recover with money than without. The second part of your response seems to come with a little baggage. Maybe you should follow the money to afford a therapist? LOL
I’m sick and tired of this Reddit-ass kind of “advice” meant only for neurotypical white men. Male defaultism is one of many things we should not import here.
Too late… Or maybe it was already like this before we migrated from Reddit. Comments are very black-and-white and tend to favor men over women, STEM over other fields (just read the comments here), global north over global south, etc. It’s obvious who the majority is and how biased the opinions are.
It is funny because Lemmy is the leftiest site I know, and still these problems are invisible.