I finally got myself medicated, and I absolutely love that I can focus on tasks and be actually productive. However, I have to remind myself that it’s ok to take a break, because I still get tired 😅
so true
Healthy Gamer GG made a video about how to manipulate/ration the tiny amount of dopamine we start the morning with. it’s helped me several times so far.
i think this is the one https://youtu.be/6CWq8wyS90o
I have been on a roll lately, wondering when I will crash out. It’s soon, my sleep is messed up again lol.
I aced the first 3 months at a new job, even got a raise and I was complimented that if everyone was like me the business would be on a whole another level.
…aaand at that point I had learned most of what was new and interesting and now all that’s left is routine tasks – and I’m dying. It got so boring so fast that my brain switched into serious dissociation and depression. I could just sit back and enjoy the easy job and get paid but no. Suddenly it’s a struggle to finish just a simple email. Fuck this.
That’s why I like my labor job. Interesting or not, it engages the hyper bit so I can just keep moving the whole time
Even though there is a LOT more to a person than productivity and that can never be the thing that defines us, I’m going to focus exclusively on that because that’s what this post is about.
I had one of those days today. Absolutely awesome. I almost had no meetings and the software changes kept coming in. I nailed it. I’m still on a rush, I feel unstoppable!
However yesterday, I came home and I was almost crying to my partner because I couldn’t take the laundry off the rack and I felt useless.
But hey, so is the life of ADHDers. I accept it. Yesterday it took me a while to get out of that emotional state. I knew that rationally I’m not a useless person and I have a good handle on my life. However emotionally it was way harder. It took me a lot of processing to synthesise that knowledge into feelings.
So I know the rational part, and I lean on that and on a very understanding, loving partner (who is also neurodivergent) who helps me stay grounded when I panic. Our productivity is not constant. That is fine - on average, there’s nothing wrong with our output!