What level of involvement in producing the food makes it vegan or not vegan?
It’s about A) exploitation and B) harming the animal.
Pollination is done by all kinds of insects, but they are part of our ecosystem and happen to be pollinating the plants that we eat. We don’t breed them, we don’t kill them (pesticides, sure), we simply coexist.
Honey isn’t vegan because we breed the bees, take their food and often kill the entire hive because they get sick and cannot survive winter without their honey. It’s also not sustainable, because honey bees are being bred en masse and are pushing out native pollinators that are highly specialized in certain kinds of plants, causing them to go extinct.
CO2 reizt die Schlaumhäute extrem. Schüttel mal eine Wasserflasche gut durch, mach sie auf und halt dein Auge drüber. Die Tiere erleben das nur am ganzen Körper und um ein vielfaches stärker. SOKO Tierschutz hat Videos entsprechender Anlagen auch auf YouTube, da ist nichts mit “schonend”.
I’m pretty sure, that both cow and calf are screaming when they are separated shortly after birth. Alnost like a mother and her baby have an emotional bond.
And even the smallest farm will absolutely kill them once they aren’t profitable anymore, or they’d have an ever increasing population of animals.
So what would the cats choose in the wild?
Canned (and cooked) tuna, mussels, shrimps, reindeer, rabbit, beef etc of course. /s
Given that pretty much everyone just buys canned pet food or kibble at the store, and most of those are made out of whatever is left over after slaughtering animals for human consumption, the whole point of “forcing your cat to eat against its natural habits” is somewhat moot.
Da ja alle nur Überschriften lesen:
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