Love the addition of “again”.
I mean if you don’t want your yacht sunk then don’t sail it where orcas sink yachts. Sorry but actually not sorry for the casual victimblaming.
Something that is also helpful in this situation is to ask what their Intent is with their action. The why they want to do it. Often striking up that conversation looses some blocks.
I for one welcome our transition to non-plant beer. Time to pur ourselves fermented bee puke, aka mead.
Mead. Mead! MEAD!
The Swedish vacation law (Semesterlag 1977:480) amateurishly translated by me. And I am in no way experienced enough in our labour law to comment on how it looks for those not working full time. The short lesson is to Remember Ådalen, or those that fought, bled and died four our labour rights.
4 § En arbetstagare har rätt till tjugofem semesterdagar varje semesterår […]
An employee have right to twentyfive vacation days per year
12 § Om inte annat har avtalats, ska semesterledigheten förläggas så, att arbetstagaren får en ledighetsperiod av minst fyra veckor under juni-augusti[…]
If nothing else have been agreed upon, the vacation is to be scheduled such that the employee get a vacation period of at least four weeks during june -august
Unions work. Labour movements work.
If the DM asks you you really want to do something look at their expression and do it anyway.
If you want to do something really stupid, crazy or narrativly disruptive look towards your fellow players to get their consent. Then do it.
The time to argue technicalities is outside of sessions to not waste precious gametime. Do it during sessions only if you are into that weird shit.
The best way to get to use new character options is through DM bribes. In this case a sourcebook is recommended.
If you help clean up afterwards you may get inspiration.
Spoiler it is 30km/h. After that noise and injury risk/severity shoot up. It is the compromise speed.
Bicycling for me. Started off with a cheap old bike that I tried keeping in as goid condition as possible without spending too much on it. Problem with old bikes is wear and tear so things break and new old parts are hard to cheaply. So it became a hackjob. Then got me a new one and realised riding on roads only got boring so I started experimenting with gravel and singletrack.
Guess what? Time for a new bike. And a more expensive one. Carbon. And to maintain it I needed more tools. Also new tubes as the spare ones I had didn’t fit that big of tyres. Also moved to a new place and now I got a MTB arena within a few km from home. So of course I had to get me one of those. And to maintain the suspension I needed new stuff, oils and tools.
Clothing. Bags. Events. It becomes a lot after a while.
Also planning for bike nr4, a steel fatbike. Promised myself not to buy anything this year, but the year is soon over…
Did I mention bikepacking? Yeah that is another big black hole of expenses. But a fair bit of overlap with backpacking so costs are split.
At this point I really have to wonder if Republicans even want a federal level. I mean to me it looks like they are trying to disassemble the USA.