The ceasefire was the only positive thing going on during these past two months. This is fucked up!
i think the ceasefire was a good idea when the hostages were alive, 15 months ago, when Biden was president…not before "rump made sure no ceesefires would happen in defiance of the Logan act…now come back with something convincing
…yet i was told that the biden genocide was somehow worse…cake and eat it shit…
Biden’s help killed more at this time, but Trump should catch up by late summer or early autumn this year. Then we can say Trump killed more than Biden.
But Trumps crimes elsewhere will eclipse this grim milestone , and I doubt most commentators here will remark on that when it happens
Unsupporting the red and blue party is the correct thing to do and what will ultimately lead to a positive change. The duopoly party narrative is holding on a really thin line because everyone is unsatisfied on both sides, in europe third parties win plenty of times.
If you throw your trash out of the window that isn’t going to change world pollution but you don’t do that because we live in a society and everyone is supposed to do his part.
The way US elections work it’s mathematically impossible to have a viable 3rd party. We can’t just do it like Europe.
What a strawman of an argument you’ve created. That was never an argument being made, it was that genocide wouldn’t be any worse because genocide is genocide.
And how is this at all different from any of the strikes Biden agreed on that resulted in mass deaths?
Oh and the cake you’re laughing about? Those are children’s lives. Get some perspective and stop reveling in misery.
That was never an argument being made
Bullshit. It was absolutely an argument being made. “We kNoW BiDeN sUpPoRtS gEnOcIde; MaYbE tRuMp WiLl Be BeTtEr” (paraphrased) is very much the sort of dumbass rhetoric that was being tossed around and don’t you dare try to gaslight me otherwise!
Put yourself in the shoe of somebody who lost a relative in Gaza.
Aah that’s right, you can’t. Americans aren’t educated to see foreigners as human at all. The more i talk with you guys the more i realize that
because genocide is genocide.
That’s dumb. Killing more people is worse than killing fewer.
It’s more dumb to think killing everyone is any different to killing everyone.
Genocide brings about the death of the whole cultural group.
There is no little or big genocide, it is all genocide.
That’s awfully disrespectful for the people who lost relatives before Trump got elected.
You’re a salty scumbag and you deserved to lose
Wow, the Gazan civilians must have done something really serious to merit being attacked like this, ending the cease fire…
Right? Um… right? /s
if the brave hamas freedom fighters weren’t hiding behind them with the hostages using the gazans as human shields it would be easier
You’re still holding that line? Are you not afraid of the repraisal?
I mean genocide apologia is a crime. Or it should be at least
As a terrorism enjoyer maybe you can explain hamas ongoing Oct 7th strategy
Martyring tens of thousands and another attempt at the genocide of the Jews is very in keeping with their ideology
We get it, you’re a Zionist
De-development via the Gaza Occupation
Between July 1971 and February 1972, Sharon enjoyed considerable success. During this time, the entire Strip (apart from the Rafah area) was sealed off by a ring of security fences 53 miles in length, with few entrypoints. Today, their effects live on: there are only three points of entry to Gaza—Erez, Nahal Oz, and Rafah.
Perhaps the most dramatic and painful aspect of Sharon’s campaign was the widening of roads in the refugee camps to facilitate military access. Israel built nearly 200 miles of security roads and destroyed thousands of refugee dwellings as part of the widening process.’ In August 1971, for example, the Israeli army destroyed 7,729 rooms (approximately 2,000 houses) in three vola- tile camps, displacing 15,855 refugees: 7,217 from Jabalya, 4,836 from Shati, and 3,802 from Rafah.
- Page 105
Through 1993 Israel imposed a one-way system of tariffs and duties on the importation of goods through its borders; leaving Israel for Gaza, however, no tariffs or other regulations applied. Thus, for Israeli exports to Gaza, the Strip was treated as part of Israel; but for Gazan exports to Israel, the Strip was treated as a foreign entity subject to various “non-tariff barriers.” This placed Israel at a distinct advantage for trading and limited Gaza’s access to Israeli and foreign markets. Gazans had no recourse against such policies, being totally unable to protect themselves with tariffs or exchange rate controls. Thus, they had to pay more for highly protected Israeli products than they would if they had some control over their own economy. Such policies deprived the occupied territories of significant customs revenue, estimated at $118-$176 million in 1986.
- page 240
In a report released in May 2015, the World Bank revealed that as a result of Israel’s blockade and OPE, Gaza’s manufacturing sector shrank by as much as 60% over eight years while real per capita income is 31 percent lower than it was 20 years ago. The report also stated that the blockade alone is responsible for a 50% decrease in Gaza’s GDP since 2007. Furthermore, OPE (combined with the tunnel closure) exacerbated an already grave situation by reducing Gaza’s economy by an additional $460 million.
Page 402
The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy
Blockade, including Aid
Hamas began twenty years into the occupation during the first Intifada, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.
After the ‘disengagement’ in 2007, this turned into a full blockade; where Israel has had control over the airspace, borders, and sea. Under the guise of ‘dual-use’ Israel has restricted food, allocating a minimum supply leading to over half of Gaza being food insecure; construction materials, medical supplies, and other basic necessities have also been restricted.
The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy, leaving the area in a state of perpetual humanitarian crisis. Indeed, Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza’s civilian population, the majority of whom are children, has created conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and electricity, and lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and building materials.
- Amnesty International Report pg 26-27
Peace Process and Solution
Hamas proposed a full prisoner swap as early as Oct 8th, and agreed to the US proposed UN Permanent Ceasefire Resolution. Additionally, Hamas has already agreed to no longer govern the Gaza Strip, as long as Palestinians receive liberation and a unified government can take place.
Both Hamas and Fatah have agreed to a Two-State solution based on the 1967 borders for decades. Oslo and Camp David were used by Israel to continue settlements in the West Bank and maintain an Apartheid, while preventing any actual Two-State solution
How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution
‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe
Human Shields
Intentionally utilizing the presence of civilians or other protected persons to render certain areas immune from military attack is prohibited under international law. Amnesty International was not able to establish whether or not the fighters’ presence in the camps was intended to shield themselves from military attacks. However, under international humanitarian law, even if one party uses “human shields”, or is otherwise unlawfully endangering civilians, this does not absolve the opposing party from complying with its obligations to distinguish between military objectives and civilians or civilian objects, to refrain from carrying out indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks, and to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians and civilian objects.
Additionally, there is extensive independent verification of Israel using Palestinians as Human Shields:
Deliberate Attacks on Civilians
Israel deliberately targets civilian areas. From in general with the Dahiya Doctrine to multiple systems deployed in Gaza to do so:
The Dahiya Doctrine & Israel’s Use of Disproportionate Force
‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza
Israel also targets Israeli Soldiers and Civilians to prevent them being leveraged as hostages, known as the Hannibal Directive. Which was also used on Oct 7th.
Nixon, Iran, hostages…
I don’t care who gets bitchy over this;
America chose bald faced fascism and genocide, over the chance to end genocide and not-fascism.
Suck eggs, whenever you can save up for them. The stay-at-homes are just as guilty.
Well, that’s what happened and now you get extra genocide plus total capitulation to russia
That was the false sense of superiority choice, not the end genocide choice.
You have to consider the choices’ actual effects on the world.
Sorry your blue team proto-fascists couldn’t contain their disgusting bloodthirst enough to win the election from the red team fascists. Think outside of this bullshit electoralist thinking for just a second.
Sorry your favorite genocider lost. But hey At least you can find comfort in the fact the other genocider was worst.
Fucking loser
America chose bald faced fascism and genocide, over the chance to end genocide and not-fascism.
There was no chance under biden or harris that the genocide would end without running to completion. None. They’re both centrists, and genocide is the only policy I’ve never seen a centrist abandon.
Voted harris but refuse to carry water for genocide supporters.
One of the parties is against the genocide in Ukraine. Funny how you people always forget about that one. Bit inconvenient for your narrative huh
What do you mean by “you people”?
Because in another recent discussion we had, you called me a russian, had that comment removed by the mods, and then whined about how unfairly you were being treated by the complicit mods for enforcing their rules.
This sure looks like you’re trying to call me a russian again without saying it outright.
We should have used all the resources that we wasted supplying the genocide that centrists dearly love in Gaza and used them to shore up Ukraine. Instead, netanyahu got his weapons no questions asked, while Ukraine had to wait for democrats to play stupid games with immigration bills first before getting around to the tiresome obligation of making a token gesture toward preventing putin from steamrolling Europe.