I find it deeply disturbing that when I opened the comment section of a post discussing 400 (now over 700) dead people, mostly innocent children, men, and women, in less than 48 hours, the first reaction was to blame “Arabs,” “Muslims,” “Tankies,” “Leftists,” and “Pro-Palestinians,” using these minority communities as tokens.
This is a glaring display f hypocrisy, these groups are portrayed in a positive light when it benefits politically, only to be thrown under the bus when they are no longer useful…
Any human capable of experiencing empathy would have first reacted with disgust and indignation at the unfolding genocide, rather than resorting to scapegoating and divisive rhetoric, but it may also not be organic comments, what do I know…
Unfortunately it isn’t. When I have some time I call these things out and advocate because I think it’s important that we do not fall into this force feed normalization of cruelty.
Then why do you think people should be shocked rather than discussing causes?
I find it deeply disturbing that when I opened the comment section of a post discussing 400 (now over 700) dead people, mostly innocent children, men, and women, in less than 48 hours, the first reaction was to blame “Arabs,” “Muslims,” “Tankies,” “Leftists,” and “Pro-Palestinians,” using these minority communities as tokens.
Tankies are not “minority groups”…
This is a glaring display f hypocrisy, these groups are portrayed in a positive light only when it benefits politically, only to be thrown under the bus when they are no longer useful…
There is no hypocrisy. Arabs and Muslims are portrayed in a positive light to counter the American far right’s frothing hatred of them, that was the core reason.
Any human capable of experiencing empathy would have first reacted with disgust and indignation at the unfolding genocide, rather than resorting to scapegoating and divisive rhetoric, but it may also not be organic comments, what do I know…
“divisive rhetoric” you sound like a fucking centrist.
I may have used the wrong word but I think you understood what I meant. It’s not an essay, I was displaying the fact that some minority opinions and certain groups of individuals get targeted because they are easy target that helps sway the blame away.
About your second point, I don’t think it’s correct or else we wouldn’t be reading the gloating in the comments I’m targeting.
I am not and will never be a centrist nor a republican, but I will criticize what I deem injustice, bad policies, weak strategies (like ostracizing more of your voter base to make them numb)… etc
AIPAC and it’s member, known for smuggling our tax dollar for genocide.
so long as trump, bibi, putin, and their sycophants are in power, pretty much every man woman and child in gaza is living on borrowed time.
Which one? Literally every American president since the advent of international criminal law counts as a war criminal. I get you mean Biden, but American imperialism is one of the things wrong with the world.
The problem with you yanks is that you’re too far up your own asses. How predictable is it that the whole discussion under this post is about your last election. Nobody cares any more. Your country is lead by a fascist doing fascist things to you and abroad. And all you do is bicker about what happened half a year ago. Your country is wading in the waters of Rubicon, what are you going to do NOW about it?
what are you going to do NOW about it?
This mess isn’t on some of us. Some of us tried very hard to prevent this outcome and now suddenly we’re expected to clean up other people’s fucking mess.
Nah, fuck that.
Was Einstein complicit when he fled? I intend to try and leave, or take refuge somehow.
You should just ask the AIPAC zionists this question and not us. We take orders from them.
Trump is greenlighting genocide. And somehow his supporters will say this is a good thing.
The US has been green-lighting genocide in the Middle East for decades. Party A only seems to notice when Party B takes over the White House. But this has been an ongoing horror story going back to Operation Ajax and the dismantling of the Egyptian democracy following the death of Gamal Nasser, largely through collaboration between the CIA, MI5, and the Mossad.
His base supporters don’t really know or care about the details, because they’re too invested in doing white nationalism at home. His opponents only seem to care about the genocide as far as it allows them to express racist sentiments toward Arab-Americans and other Muslim groups for being insufficiently enthusiastically liberal. His bourgeois supporters recognize genocide as a get-rich-quick scheme for their failsons and faildaughters.
This bloodshed won’t end before the western military occupiers are removed from the region. And I doubt I’ll see that happen in my lifetime.