Ironic. I’m in to 30-something women and even 40-something women, but the catch is they have to not be mentally ill
That goes for any relationship. Men and women. It is harder the older as so many more are paired, and the single ones have a higher likelihood of having… reasons.
Or just baggage, which isn’t particularly healthy for your mental state. When looking at my circle of friends, at the latest when your ~35 you will have lived through cheating or other types of betrayal. People often are just assholes to each other and hurt people hurt people.
I see this as an additional reason though, to not date someone who is still very young.
Yeah, if I ever conquer this damn divorce and my general anxiety, I’m just gonna meet people and hopefully find someone with few enough red flags that I can feel comfortable around them
I’m 46 and married, but if I was single, I absolutely wouldn’t want someone almost 30 years younger than me. We’d have so little in common! I suppose if you just look at women as objects to stick your dick into…
I’m dating someone 8 years younger than me and the only way I think it works is that she likes me enough to learn all the references I make she doesn’t understand.
My wife is only 2ish years younger than me, and she already doesn’t get some references purely through upbringing. Only a couple things have been “before her time”
However, her best friend recently turned 24, married to someone who just hit 21. It feels like talking to children.
And since between the 2 of us we have 12 nieces and nephews under 15 and I speak to them whenever we’re visiting I feel like I can say with a little certainty, it reeeeally feels like talking to children sometimes.
Nice thing about getting older is you don’t need drinks to have a good time.
Sure, dating 18yo is fuckin weird, but on the other hand, if your date (of whatever age) doesn’t drink and you suddenly realize you have no date ideas that don’t involve drinking, you may also need a moment of self reflection.
Not sure why down voted it’s a valid point even if they don’t drink and ignoring I wouldn’t date someone in that age group. I don’t want to limit locations for a date or hang out.
Personally I probably wouldn’t date anyone who doesn’t drink either but that’s my own preference.
I mean, technically… no. Drinking age for beer and wine in Germany is 16, while age of consent (with additional protections) is 14, just like criminal maturity: If you’re old enough to stand trial, you’re generally old enough to decide for yourself who you want to fuck.
And while legal guardians being present lowers the drinking age to 14 being a guardian isn’t exactly compatible with dating a 14yold, that’s a position of authority or trust. Buying it for them is also problematic if it’s indeed in exchange for sex, counts as prostitution, minimum age 18.
Thanks a lot, lemmy, that was probably the creepiest thing I ever thought about.
What are you rambling about? Op said 18. Drinking is legal everywhere in Europe if you are 18. You know why? Because you are an adult. So you can also fuck everyone while drinking, even 90 year old dudes/dudettes, you know why? Because you are an adult.
A friend of mine with daughters told me that he couldn’t see the appeal in teen girls, because “I have two; they don’t even know how to wipe properly.”
It’s definitely more of a combination of disgust and secondhand embarrassment. When I was 18, my mid-30s manager was clearly into me and I definitely thought he was creepy and old and everyone made fun of him behind his back. Now that I’m on the other side, it doesn’t look any less pathetic. 18 year olds look like children because I’m old enough to be their parent, and the only thing I’ve ever felt for one is vaguely maternal affection. The idea of dating them is super gross.